KhronosGroup / glslang

Khronos-reference front end for GLSL/ESSL, partial front end for HLSL, and a SPIR-V generator.
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Using a buffer_reference buffer within a struct within a SSBO causes invalid const errors #3608

Open spnda opened 1 month ago

spnda commented 1 month ago

These are snippets from my local project where I experience this issue.

layout(buffer_reference, scalar) restrict readonly buffer UvBuffer {
    vec2 uvs[];

struct PrimitiveDraw {
    UvBuffer uvBuffers[maxUvSets]; // I use an array here, but it doesn't actually matter. Same behaviour with a single buffer.

layout(set = 1, binding = 4, scalar) restrict readonly buffer PrimitiveDrawBuffer {
    PrimitiveDraw primitives[];

void main() {
    const PrimitiveDraw draw = primitives[gl_DrawID]; // This is line 39 with the error

When I remove that array of buffer references the code compiles fine, but just adding that array (not using it) gives this:

ERROR: shaders/shadow_map.task.glsl:39: 'qualifier' : variables with reference type can't have qualifier 'const' 
ERROR: shaders/shadow_map.task.glsl:39: '' : compilation terminated 
ERROR: 2 compilation errors.  No code generated.

Removing the const qualifier does fix the error, but I don't think that is intended behaviour. How can a reference not be const, and why should using a buffer_reference have any effect on that? I'm using the glslangValidator as a compiler from the latest 1.3.283 SDK.

arcady-lunarg commented 1 month ago

Currently the buffer reference extension spec does not allow a const qualifier to be applied to a reference type, and my interpretation is that it prohibits your usage. Maybe @jeffbolznv can clarify.

jeffbolznv commented 1 month ago

I don't remember this, but found some history. This was added in There's an issue that says "The constant qualifier is disallowed because OpConstant doesn't support generating pointer constants (but note that reference types can participate in constant expressions)." So I guess this is working as intended?

spnda commented 1 month ago

I don't remember this, but found some history. This was added in KhronosGroup/GLSL#54. There's an issue that says "The constant qualifier is disallowed because OpConstant doesn't support generating pointer constants (but note that reference types can participate in constant expressions)." So I guess this is working as intended?

But isn't OpConstant used for declaring variables with an immediate value? Meaning something like OpConstant %6 1, or OpConstant %13 5? As far as I know, GLSL's const within functions is used only to indicate that a variable is immutable, which does not have anything to do with OpConstant and I don't think SPIR-V cares about mutability, either. So that seems like an invalid argument for this to me. However, I might be entirely mistaken, so please correct me if that's the case.

jeffbolznv commented 1 month ago

Like I said, I don't really remember the details. I think glslang tries to emit OpConstant for const variabes, which may be leftover from pre-4.20 when const was required to be initialized with a constant expression.