Khrylx / PyTorch-RL

PyTorch implementation of Deep Reinforcement Learning: Policy Gradient methods (TRPO, PPO, A2C) and Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL). Fast Fisher vector product TRPO.
MIT License
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About the computation of Advantage and State Value in PPO #6

Closed mjbmjb closed 6 years ago

mjbmjb commented 6 years ago

In your implementation of Critic, you feed the network of the observation and action and output 1-dim value. Can I make the inference that It is Q(s,a) ? But the advantage you given is values = self.critic_target(states_var, actions_var).detach() advantages = rewards_var - values It is the estimation of q_t minus Q(s_t,a) I think it should be Advantage = q_t - V(s_t)

Khrylx commented 6 years ago

Which code are you talking about? I didn't use action as input to my value network.

mjbmjb commented 6 years ago

Sorry for mistaken, close it now