KiBiSiK / AcromantulaGX

Acromantula Plugin for CT3 asset reverse engineering
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Compressions beside DXT1 and DXT3 #1

Open Flaflo opened 3 years ago

Flaflo commented 3 years ago

GXTX Texture in .art banks do have more than those compressions inside. To support all texture formats the rest of them have to be reverse engineered and implemented.

Suspected compression formats:

Format Descriptor Format Confirmed?
10 DXT1 Yes
11 DXT3 Yes
04 A8R8G8B8 No
05 A4R4G4B4 No
00 R5G6B5 No
-1 A1R5G5B5 No
Cydhra commented 3 years ago

I've tried to statically and dynamically debug CT3 to find the D3D calls that load the afformentioned textures into VRAM. However D3D function are dispatched dynamically (virtually) via an offset table, so the function signature is almost invisible in the binary. Only creation of the DX9 context is dispatched statically, which doesn't help at all.

If one finds themself looking further into the machine code, here are some functions, that I recognized, they are a good starting point, but reverse engineering the image compression will probably require another angle.

All offsets are relative to the CT3 binary

Offset Description
0x00416840 load art file function. This is called with a path to a art bank (e.g. Media/ and 3 unknown integer parameters
0x005186BA function for printing debug output. The function does not actually seem to print anything, so maybe a command line switch must be given for it to work.
0x0051DC40 my_file_seek function. (Microsoft Reference)
0x005170AD opens a file, retrieves its length and reads the file into one or two buffers. Here it gets a bit confusing. Also the bu ffer is initialized with 0xbaadf00d so the allocator may be in debugging mode?
0x00407B20 also closely related to opening and reading the file into buffer. Both functions are equally interesting.

Further debugging should focus on two different angles: