KiCad / kicad-website

This is the official website source for KiCad [moved to]
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Documentation links aren't explicit about the purpose of KiCad programs #8

Closed Caerbannog closed 9 years ago

Caerbannog commented 9 years ago

I figure that a newcomer wouldn't understand what "PL Editor" (or others) is from reading the following page:

I admit that the information is in KiCad General.

marekr commented 9 years ago

On one hand you wouldn't be looking for documentation until you open KiCad and go "wtf is Pl Editor" as its named that. I won't lie, I didn't know what it was until recently LOL.

Yea we can add a short descriptive text in there under each header. Not that it'll help if one sees Pl Editor on another page as a newbie.

marekr commented 9 years ago

Added one liners.

Caerbannog commented 9 years ago

Now the same can be said of the entries in the "Discover" menu. It's sad, because I really like how the old feature page is now spllit between Eeschema, PcbNew, ...

BTW, the "Download" menu could be renamed to "Install" to reflect that some platform just contain commands to copy and paste.

marekr commented 9 years ago

Yea "Install" vs "Download" is a terminology thing. You don't really see "Install" as the term often so I thought it best to use the common word. Plus those other platform commands...still cause it to download...heh.