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14 May - Sense and feeling to improve #27

Open daijapan opened 4 months ago

daijapan commented 4 months ago

Here are 20 human senses, extending beyond the traditional five senses to include more specialized and complex senses:

  1. Sight (Vision)
  2. Hearing (Audition)
  3. Taste (Gustation)
  4. Smell (Olfaction)
  5. Touch (Tactile)
  6. Balance (Equilibrioception)
  7. Temperature (Thermoception)
  8. Pain (Nociception)
  9. Body Position (Proprioception)
  10. Vibration (Mechanoreception)
  11. Pressure (Baroreception)
  12. Time (Chronoception)
  13. Hunger
  14. Thirst
  15. Magnetoreception (Sensitivity to Magnetic Fields)
  16. Itch (Pruriception)
  17. Chemical Sensing (Chemoreception)
  18. Internal Sensations (Interoception, e.g., sensing internal body states like heartbeat and lung inflation)
  19. Electric Field Detection (Electroreception)
  20. Stretch (Muscle Spindle Detection)

These senses encompass a broad range of human sensory experiences, some of which are not as commonly recognized but are crucial for various physiological and perceptual functions.

daijapan commented 4 months ago

Certainly! Here is a list of 20 different human feelings or emotions:

  1. Happiness
  2. Sadness
  3. Fear
  4. Anger
  5. Surprise
  6. Disgust
  7. Trust
  8. Anticipation
  9. Love
  10. Joy
  11. Grief
  12. Excitement
  13. Contentment
  14. Jealousy
  15. Anxiety
  16. Pride
  17. Embarrassment
  18. Shame
  19. Guilt
  20. Compassion

These emotions represent a range of human experiences and can vary in intensity and expression.

daijapan commented 3 months ago


  1. 視覚 (Sight, Vision)
  2. 聴覚 (Hearing, Audition)
  3. 味覚 (Taste, Gustation)
  4. 嗅覚 (Smell, Olfaction)
  5. 触覚 (Touch, Tactile)
  6. 平衡感覚 (Balance, Equilibrioception)
  7. 温度感覚 (Temperature, Thermoception)
  8. 痛覚 (Pain, Nociception)
  9. 位置覚 (Body Position, Proprioception)
  10. 振動感覚 (Vibration, Mechanoreception)
  11. 圧力感覚 (Pressure, Baroreception)
  12. 時間感覚 (Time, Chronoception)
  13. 空腹感 (Hunger)
  14. 渇き (Thirst)
  15. 磁気感覚 (Magnetoreception, Sensitivity to Magnetic Fields)
  16. 痒み感覚 (Itch, Pruriception)
  17. 化学感覚 (Chemical Sensing, Chemoreception)
  18. 内部感覚 (Internal Sensations, Interoception: 例えば、心拍や肺の膨張などの体内の状態を感じる感覚)
  19. 電場感知 (Electric Field Detection, Electroreception)
  20. 伸展感覚 (Stretch, Muscle Spindle Detection)


daijapan commented 3 months ago


  1. 幸せ
  2. 悲しみ
  3. 恐怖
  4. 怒り
  5. 驚き
  6. 嫌悪
  7. 信頼
  8. 期待
  9. 喜び
  10. 悲嘆
  11. 興奮
  12. 満足
  13. 嫉妬
  14. 不安
  15. 誇り
  16. 恥ずかしさ
  17. 罪悪感
  18. 思いやり