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N of users of each platformers #9

Open daijapan opened 1 month ago

daijapan commented 1 month ago

Certainly! Here's a simple table summarizing the usage of Tableau, Power BI, Google Sheets, and Microsoft Excel:

Software Estimated User Base Notes
Microsoft Excel Over 750 million Most widely used spreadsheet software globally.
Google Sheets Not specified, but part of Google Workspace with millions of users Popular due to its integration with Google services and accessibility.
Tableau Not publicly disclosed, but widely used Popular in business intelligence and data visualization communities.
Power BI Millions of users from thousands of companies Part of Microsoft's rapidly growing business analytics service.

This table provides a high-level view of the user base and general characteristics of each software tool.

daijapan commented 1 month ago

added Certainly! I'll add a column titled "Ease of Use," which describes the general user-friendliness and accessibility of each software and its competitors based on common user feedback.

Software Competitor Estimated User Base Notes Active User Community Ease of Use
Microsoft Excel Google Sheets Over 750 million Most widely used spreadsheet software globally. Yes, very large and active Highly user-friendly with an intuitive interface
Microsoft Excel Apache OpenOffice Calc Over 750 million Most widely used spreadsheet software globally. Yes, very large and active Moderate; traditional interface with steep learning curve for advanced features
Microsoft Excel LibreOffice Calc Over 750 million Most widely used spreadsheet software globally. Yes, very large and active Good; similar to OpenOffice with additional features
Microsoft Excel Zoho Sheet Over 750 million Most widely used spreadsheet software globally. Yes, very large and active Very user-friendly, especially for collaboration
Microsoft Excel Apple Numbers Over 750 million Most widely used spreadsheet software globally. Yes, very large and active Good; very intuitive, especially for Mac users
Google Sheets Microsoft Excel Part of Google Workspace Popular due to its integration with Google services. Extensive community support Highly user-friendly with a familiar layout
Google Sheets Zoho Sheet Part of Google Workspace Popular due to its integration with Google services. Extensive community support Very user-friendly, especially for collaboration
Google Sheets Smartsheet Part of Google Workspace Popular due to its integration with Google services. Extensive community support Good; user-friendly with strong project management features
Google Sheets Airtable Part of Google Workspace Popular due to its integration with Google services. Extensive community support Excellent; highly intuitive with powerful database features
Google Sheets LibreOffice Calc Part of Google Workspace Popular due to its integration with Google services. Extensive community support Moderate; traditional interface with complex features
Tableau Power BI Widely used Popular in business intelligence and data visualization. Very active with strong presence Good; user-friendly with a slight learning curve for advanced analytics
Tableau Qlik Sense Widely used Popular in business intelligence and data visualization. Very active with strong presence Very good; intuitive design and flexible for users
Tableau Looker Widely used Popular in business intelligence and data visualization. Very active with strong presence Excellent; modern interface and highly customizable
Tableau Sisense Widely used Popular in business intelligence and data visualization. Very active with strong presence Good; robust features with flexibility but requires setup
Tableau Domo Widely used Popular in business intelligence and data visualization. Very active with strong presence Very good; known for its user-friendliness and integration options
Power BI Tableau Millions of users Part of Microsoft's business analytics service. Large community with extensive resources Highly user-friendly with extensive visual capabilities
Power BI Qlik Sense Millions of users Part of Microsoft's business analytics service. Large community with extensive resources Very good; intuitive with powerful associative model
Power BI Oracle BI Millions of users Part of Microsoft's business analytics service. Large community with extensive resources Moderate; powerful but has a complex interface
Power BI SAP BusinessObjects Millions of users Part of Microsoft's business analytics service. Large community with extensive resources Moderate; comprehensive features with a steep learning curve
Power BI Sisense Millions of users Part of Microsoft's business analytics service. Large community with extensive resources Good; provides strong analytics with some setup required

This table now includes the "Ease of Use" column, which reflects general perceptions of how user-friendly and accessible each software and its competitors are, aiding in a more comprehensive comparison.