KiaraGrouwstra / nix-config

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deb packages #20

Closed KiaraGrouwstra closed 5 years ago

KiaraGrouwstra commented 6 years ago

The NixOS cheatsheet claims I can install .deb files through a Nix-installed dpkg, but...

$ sudo dpkg -i /drogon/dl/wget_1.18-5+deb9u2_amd64.deb
dpkg: error: cannot scan updates directory '/var/lib/dpkg/updates/': No such file or directory
$ sudo mkdir /var/lib/dpkg/updates/
$ sudo dpkg -i /drogon/dl/wget_1.18-5+deb9u2_amd64.deb
dpkg: warning: '/nix/store/bgii6n1si6za1ry0vbwnmiapzagcyrjm-coreutils-8.29/bin/rm' not found in PATH or not executable
dpkg: warning: '/nix/store/bgii6n1si6za1ry0vbwnmiapzagcyrjm-coreutils-8.29/bin/diff' not found in PATH or not executable
dpkg: warning: '/nix/store/jlvwk1ijr4z3zq0nw34kkd88bjwrp7zi-dpkg-' not found in PATH or not executable
dpkg: error: 3 expected programs not found in PATH or not executable
Note: root's PATH should usually contain /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin and /sbin

I haven't found reports of other NixOS users trying and running into anything similar.

KiaraGrouwstra commented 6 years ago

Now, /run/current-system/sw/bin in $PATH has symlinked rm, while it looks like it's also marked as executable:

$ ls -lh /nix/store/bgii6n1si6za1ry0vbwnmiapzagcyrjm-coreutils-8.29/bin/rm
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Jan  1  1970 /nix/store/bgii6n1si6za1ry0vbwnmiapzagcyrjm-coreutils-8.29/bin/rm -> coreutils

... which claims it's a warning, but the 3 missing programs seem related. hm.

KiaraGrouwstra commented 5 years ago

now posted at

KiaraGrouwstra commented 5 years ago

As suggested there, I should instead try check out deb nix installs.

KiaraGrouwstra commented 5 years ago

As this seems unlikely to get fixed, closing in favor of package-specific issues like #38.