KiaraGrouwstra / typical

playground for type-level primitives in TypeScript
MIT License
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incorrect lib folder #29

Closed unional closed 4 years ago

unional commented 4 years ago


Hi, I notice that the lib folder does not have the right folder structure. So the types cannot be imported.

It should be a quick fix. I can take a look and file a PR.

KiaraGrouwstra commented 4 years ago


I fear the issues in this repo might be deeper-rooted tho :sweat_smile:, after some TS upgrades I ended up running into non-terminating types, pretty frustrating...

unional commented 4 years ago

No program. I have a similar library (type-plus) and working on something interesting. After I opened this issue, I tried out ts-toolbelt and it seems to do what I need (lazy to implement myself. 🤣 )

KiaraGrouwstra commented 3 years ago

hehe nice, glad you found it! honestly I wonder if the problems in this space have been solved now... I feel like some of the other libs dodged the issue by just lowering their ambition, but given the non-termination I just failed to properly capture the big issues in unit tests, which just made things super difficult...

unional commented 3 years ago

:) I'm just using one of the function it has and the syntax was a bit weird. The interesting thing I'm working on is almost ready.

It is doing something pretty amazing IMO. 🤣

const t = types.object.create({
  a: types.union.create(types.number.create(1), types.boolean.true),
  b: types.string
const value: unknown = { a: 1, b: '' }
if (satisfy(t, value)) {
  assertType<{ a: true | 1, b: string }>(value) // <-- type narrowing

It probably can be used as a replacement of prop-types.

If you are interested, feel free to checkout the PR:


KiaraGrouwstra commented 3 years ago

I hadn't even checked prop-types before, but man, looks a bit clunky how we have to do things in TS. like the idea tho. one thing I was interested in at the time was gradually-typed functions -- still need to figure out if any language already kinda brings that for its standard lib by default...

unional commented 3 years ago

What do you mean by gradually-typed functions? implicit any?

KiaraGrouwstra commented 3 years ago

I mean typing functions in such a way that if the types give more info the result type you get has more info, but if any of the input types ends up not offering as much info that would be incorporated into the result type in a sensible way as well. Okay idk how much of the examples listed on wikipedia there actually match what I want... I imagine there's gotta be like some fancy theorem proving language that did things right tho??

unional commented 3 years ago

if any of the input types ends up not offering as much info that would be incorporated into the result type in a sensible way as well.

From your description you seems to refer to "partial" return type inference. I think you can already do that in TypeScript. You can mark part of the function input as any and that's that.

IMO the main problem is there is not much of such needs. If it is a strongly typed language, the types are discrete and inference will just work (e.g. Haskell). If it is a dynamic language, inference would be very limited as the problem is too difficult to solve.

TypeScript is in a special place because it is adding types to JavaScript.

KiaraGrouwstra commented 3 years ago

well, there is stuff in-between types [1,2,3] and any, such as [number] or even just [any]. I feel like right now there we have only just started to see attempts to type functions to take into account the [1,2,3] level of granularity, much less take into account any potential level of granularity for any input parameter for any function in a standard library (tho for me ramda.js sorta is JS's standard library).

unional commented 3 years ago

:) btw I just release type-plus 3.0. It has a new runtime type checker that's quite interesting. Feel free to check it out. 🌷

KiaraGrouwstra commented 3 years ago

love the documentation, looks pretty fun! added a link to it in the readme over here now. :)

unional commented 3 years ago

Thank! :)