Kiatra / BlizzMove

World of Warcraft add-on to make the default windows movable via drag & drop.
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[Bug Report] Pop up when I accidentally clicked on the frame of my quest window #106

Closed Barleduq closed 1 year ago

Barleduq commented 1 year ago

What game version did the bug occur in?



Describe the bug.

I can't tell if this has been reported; I didn't see anything referencing the addon QuestGuru. I just want to follow directions. I did not disable all my addons. I haven't had anything pop up before like this. My apologies if this is a total waste of time without that, and please feel free to delete this if it's useless without the troubleshooting.

I accidentally clicked the frame of the quest window instead of the accept button on the quest from Noriko the All-Remembering. After I copied the text from the popup, the quest pane went blank - the portrait icon is still there, but there are now no text in the frame and no text on the buttons, and the buttons don't work - not even the X close button in the upper right. Escape key did close it, and when I clicked again the quest is "For the Love of Others." I have no idea if any of this is relevant, but I'm giving info to identify where I am.

I have been getting errors for quest guru, mostly referencing quest guru sounds, which is a separate addon installed by quest guru. I have quest guru sounds turned off, and still get the errors. However, everything is still working, and I can't figure out what's wrong or how to repeat it. It doesn't happen with every quest activity, even the ones that trigger noise.

Steps to reproduce.

Click on the quest frame instead of a button.

Expected behavior.

My expectation is that I would have to try to move the pane before getting an error. I wasn't moving the mouse when I clicked on the frame by accident.


Here is the text of the pop-up: 

BlizzMove: The frame you just moved (QuestFrame) is probably in a broken state, possibly because of other addons. Copy the text from this popup window, and report it to the addon author.

Bad anchor connections for "QuestFrame":

"QuestFramePortrait" is outside anchor family, but referenced by "QuestNpcNameFrame" (created in "Interface/SharedXML/SharedUIPanelTemplates.xml:997", and "Interface/FrameXML/QuestFrame.xml:52" respectively)

"QuestGuru" is outside anchor family, but referenced by "QuestGuruDetailScrollFrame" (created in "Interface/AddOns/QuestGuru/QuestGuru.xml:85", and "Interface/AddOns/QuestGuru/QuestGuru.xml:413" respectively)

end of pasted text.
Numynum commented 1 year ago

Hi, this is something that'll have to be fixed in QuestGuru unfortunately there isn't really a way to tell the game to only do something when dragging, but not when clicking (not unless you want a laggy feeling) so you getting an error when clicking, is not fixable there's 2 options left, you can either disable the quest guru addon; or in /bm, disable the quest frame from moving unless/until the dev fixes the anchor connection issue