Kickback-Kingdom / kickback-kingdom-website

This repository houses the code for the Kickback Kingdom website.
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Clarify how to properly register an account; daunting "Halt, Where is your Writ of Passage?" message. #2

Open chadjoan opened 7 months ago

chadjoan commented 7 months ago

Attempting to create an account from the main page results in a "Halt, Where is your Writ of Passage?" prompt. There is no way to proceed, just a back button.

Repro steps:

Attempting to create an account from the Raffle entry page results in a registration form. This seems like the desired behavior, so I would expect the main page's "Create Account" button to do the same thing.

Repro steps, shorter route:

Repro steps, longer route:

I am marking this as a "bug" because it is unexpected behavior.

chadjoan commented 7 months ago

Notably, when I talked to @AlibabaTheGreat about this, he mentioned that it is intentional that registration can only happen when signing up for a quest, or when an admin registers a user (e.g. they asked for registration in Discord or something).

So this issue won't so much be about lifting that requirement, but about communicating it more clearly. Possibly solutions:

The easiest would probably be to just modify the "writ of passage" text (or add some explanation below it). But it is probably important to do those other things too, because the experience will be rough without those things. Because this feature is important for the building of the community, it is important that it be as frictionless as possible ;)

AlibabaTheGreat commented 7 months ago

Great Points! We definitely need to structure the onboarding process better for new members. It is terribly confusing at the moment and requires hand holding lol our main fear was getting spammed with bots like in previous projects or accounts that are essentially dead weight and not interacting with anything. We tossed around the idea that accounts could only be created at the point of community interaction but haven't ironed out the process.

Another thing I noticed from reading the bug report was possibly another bug. Sounds buggy if someone is able to enter the raffle of an already concluded raffle as that would essentially waste their ticket. Which actually leads me to another thought, new accounts won't even have a raffle ticket in their inventory to begin with lol. They'll make an account and not be able to do anything.