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Harden all system services by default #213

Open monsieuremre opened 3 months ago

monsieuremre commented 3 months ago

Let's make use of systemd sandboxing mechanisms to harden all services by default, whitelisting any services where necessary.

Under /etc/systemd/system/service.d create 25_security-misc.conf, with the content:

# InaccessiblePaths=/sys
ExecPaths=/usr/sbin/ /usr/lib /usr/lib64 /usr/bin
adrelanos commented 3 months ago

Let's hope this doesn't create a lot issues infeasible to fix.

Folder needs to be /lib/systemd/system/service.d. As per:

Some mechanism to test this would be good:

monsieuremre commented 3 months ago

There is no need for conditions tho. I don't understand the appeal here.

monsieuremre commented 3 months ago

Some mechanism to test this would be good:

Long overdue for a package such as security-misc. Trivial to implement too, but what will be tested exactly?

Also this package needs some real changes, it is really overloaded and hard to read. Things that are unabled should have their own branch for example. Anyway, I will try offering a solution to this soon.

roddhjav commented 3 months ago

From my experience applying this everywhere generate a lot of breakage. Witch is fine provided the fact you:

  1. Have the resource/will to commit on maintaining/testing it
  2. Have debug/audit tool that allow to check when (and why) something is needed.

A few years ago, I made a project like this (similar in spirit to apparmor.d but for systemd services), I gave up because, unlike apparmor, there is not way to audit issues (so that would probably be you first challenge if you want to commit time on this).

Side note:

As these config settings change the way a service is executed, it has consequences on other tool in the OS. These tools much then be aware of this. Some example with apparmor & systemd:

Systemd tools are usually already well configured on this matter, if a setting is not enabled, there is a reason why.

Big time advantage: not bothering to sandbox single services one by one, we sandbox everything as much as we can by default and exempt services where applicable.

If it is the correct way to implement it (allow-list instead of deny-list), it is quite complex and time consuming: you need to test every possible service and check if they need less settings. In other words, you still need to sandbox single services...

monsieuremre commented 3 months ago

That's why I chose the most limited options to apply globally. Anything that would break because of these settings are rare and known. You are right, it is a little far reaching with IPC and Memory restrictions, but not everything in the list is necessarily to be applied. If things break, we can leave it out. For kernel and proc stuff for example, everything that an break is already known to us. Similar for other things.

But even if we wanted to harden some select service on their own, it isn't as difficult as you suggest, since there are actually tools. I for one, used this thing in recently. You just run the service normally for a while, and voila you have your sandboxing config auto generated for you. Was easier than my experience with apparmor to be honest. But as I said, hardening of single services is not in the scope.

roddhjav commented 3 months ago

Interesting, I wish I had this tool a few years ago. apparmor.d is more complex because:

  1. It is up to you to define the size of the profile (ie: the sandbox)
  2. There are much more interaction between profiles (dbus, gnome..) that's where MAC shine over sandboxing.

It end up being much more than a list of restriction more a security construction of you OS.

adrelanos commented 3 months ago

Would apparmor.d accomplish the same (and more) than this ticket?

monsieuremre commented 3 months ago

Would apparmor.d accomplish the same (and more) than this ticket?

Well yeah, but actually no. For some parts, yes. Technically sandboxing and Mandatory Access Control are different concepts. Apparmor.d is more for access, privilege and capability mediation. Systemd sandboxing is more for creating a fake sandbox envrionment for that service. At the end, we kind of achieve the same thing, sort of. When a service is sandboxed and protect proc is true, then it actually sees a proc and can access is, its just it sees it empty. Or like when we enable private devices, the service can access all the devices it sees and it thinks the system has, but those are just not the real devices, they are just what we want them to be, which is nothing. An apparmor profile on the other hand just denies the service access to those things. Different? Yeah... But sort of achieves a similar goal at the end.

On a side note apparmor.d accomplishes a lot more than just hardening systemd services obviously. Pujol's apparmor.d is on its own single handedly the one single thing you can do on a linux desktop to harden it, it is miles ahead and achieves much more than anything else in terms of security hardening, especially with the full system policy enabled. It is one single biggest step by far kicksecure can take towards hardening a system, hands down.