As a player participating in the chat
so that I can participate in the game
I would like to be born into a nation as a starter
Acceptance Criteria
Given that I am a user
When I enter the key command !join
Then the bot should return a link to an GForm for registration
Given that I am a dev
When I enter the key command !join
Then a new user with given name should be added to the given nation
Given that I am a dev
When I enter the join command for a specific player
Then I want to get that player account created
And want to be notified that the account is be created
Given that I am a already a registered player
When a dev wants to enter the key command to join the game (e.g. !join )
Then it should notify me that I’m already participating in the game
And the command should not change anything
User Story
As a player participating in the chat so that I can participate in the game I would like to be born into a nation as a starter
Acceptance Criteria
Given that I am a user When I enter the key command !join Then the bot should return a link to an GForm for registration
Given that I am a dev When I enter the key command !join
Then a new user with given name should be added to the given nation
Given that I am a dev When I enter the join command for a specific player Then I want to get that player account created And want to be notified that the account is be created
Given that I am a already a registered player When a dev wants to enter the key command to join the game (e.g. !join )
Then it should notify me that I’m already participating in the game
And the command should not change anything