KieronQuinn / Gear360_OSS

An archival of the Gear 360 2016 and 2017 open source code and firmwares to workaround Samsung shutting down servers
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Gear 360 (2016) Firmware update via SD card #4

Open PABourdin opened 1 year ago

PABourdin commented 1 year ago


I found that the simple instruction to add the firmware ("*.bin") plus the "" script in the SD card root does not work on my Gear 360 (2016). This instruction in the README is simply incomplete. "" seems to be never executed.

Here is how I was able to do it: 1) Add the additional two files "" and "updater.adj" in the SD card root directory, see attached ZIP file. 2) Insert the SD card to the camera and power on. 3) Wait and see the upgrade progress until the camera finally turns off by itself (3-5 minutes for me). 4) Move the SD card back to your computer. 5) Cross check: the "*.bin" file should already have disappeared from the SD card's root directory. 6) Delete the "", as well as the "" and "updater.adj". 7) Reinsert the SD card into the camera, power up and enjoy the new firmware.

Please note: I have already changed the filename in the "" to the last available firmware version for the Gear 360 (2016), which is "C200GLU0AQK1_171121_1257_REV00_user.bin".

It would be nice, if the manual could get updated, so that other Gear 360 (2016) users are not so frustrated. Thanks and best greetings!

reshnah commented 9 months ago

Great! I also had a problem with manual firmware update and solved with this. Thank you.