Kiiyya / BattleFox

A modern Procon replacement for Battlefield 4.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
8 stars 2 forks source link

User interface useability and utilization for unification of the unilaterial unfestered ubiquitously implementation #21

Open CriscoCube opened 3 years ago

CriscoCube commented 3 years ago
CriscoCube commented 3 years ago

Another thought:

When you nominate a map instead of the current spam/reply message, just reply back with the map vote list showing a slightly altereted message and all maps plus the newly nominated one e.g. "X nominated Y, the new vote options are: %maplist%"

CriscoCube commented 3 years ago

Exclude current map from mapvote.

Exclude last 1 2 or 3 maps from mapvote.

CriscoCube commented 3 years ago

Remove double confirmation of nominated map (for some reason nominating a map generators two redundant messages ... bla bla person X nomated bla bla" and then "blabla has been added to the map vote..." could be condensed to a single message

CriscoCube commented 3 years ago

Change ballot confirmation text to be more clear. Currently "player voted: map > map > map"

Instead something like "player's ranked votes: (1st) map (2nd) map (3rd) map"