Kikiodazie / Multi-User-TodoList-Api

A todolist api with user authentication and authorization using Json Web Token(JWT) written with springboot
MIT License
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Can't access Bearer Token on login #9

Open gyulakiraly opened 1 year ago

gyulakiraly commented 1 year ago

Hey there, i found your API, and i would like to use it for a tutorial session. My problem is that, when we make a login call, with axios, we can't access the 'Authorization' header in the response, to save the token in Local Storage. Can you please check your CORS setup so that it allows us to access the header prop?

richie-chauhan commented 1 year ago

I added the annotation @CrossOrigin to all 4 rest controllers in src/main/java/com/odazie/todolistapi/webRestControllers/

And then modified src/main/java/com/odazie/todolistapi/security/

    .antMatchers(HttpMethod.POST, SIGN_UP_URL).permitAll()
    .antMatchers("/v2/api-docs", "/configuration/ui", "/swagger-resources/**", "/configuration/security", "/swagger-ui.html", "/webjars/**").permitAll()
    .addFilter(new JWTAuthenticationFilter(authenticationManager()))
    .addFilter(new JWTAuthorizationFilter(authenticationManager()))
    .cors().configurationSource(request -> {
        CorsConfiguration corsConfig = new CorsConfiguration();
        corsConfig.addExposedHeader("Authorization"); // Add the header to be exposed
        return corsConfig;

Not sure that the annotation is required. I did that first, it didn't work by itself.