Kilian / Trimage

A cross-platform tool for optimizing PNG and JPG files.
MIT License
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Need an option to free up ram after compressing each image #25

Open AlisterH opened 11 years ago

AlisterH commented 11 years ago

Trimage uses a surprising amount of ram for each file you compress, and it doesn't free any up until you close the program. If you drag a folder containing hundreds of photos onto Trimage, it will use several GB of ram, and if you run out of ram it will fail to complete the remaining files, displaying "ERROR", and other programs you are running may crash. It would be good (for people compressing large number of files or using systems without much ram) if it freed up the memory after operating on each file. I guess this would mean the "Recompress" button would need to be disabled, so if that is important I guess it would need to be optional.