Kilian / f.lux-indicator-applet

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Issues on Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit #18

Closed kambatla closed 11 years ago

kambatla commented 11 years ago

I recently discovered flux and am a huge fan of it - using it on Windows 8 at the moment. I have made several attempts at installing it on my Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit machine, but in vain.

Installation - installed it via apt-get install fluxgui after adding the suggested ppa.

Issues -

  1. fluxgui & does start the applet, but I can't open the preferences.
  2. xflux -z complains of the following: xflux: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Noticed that others also experienced similar issues - Looks like it is an issue with running the 32 bit flux on 64 bit machines.

bcomnes commented 11 years ago

Any fixes for this?

Kilian commented 11 years ago

Install libxxf86vm1(>=1.1.0) and ia32-libs(>=2.7) :) They're requirements that come with the f.lux indicator applet.

bcomnes commented 11 years ago

Wow, that completely did the trick! libxxf86vm1 was already installed somehow, but ia32-libs was missing. I am very new to linux package management, but shouldn't these be installed when installing the gui helper via apt-get? Anyway, thanks for the help. This is the only place I have been able to find this fix.

kambatla commented 11 years ago

Thanks Kilian. That definitely worked.

It would be even better if it pulls on those two libs during installation; add the two packages as a dependency for fluxgui.

Great work! This is a life-changing application. Thank you very much.

bcomnes commented 11 years ago

I'm still having issues. While the applet is working great, as well as the preview, its not changing all the way even well after sundown.

kambatla commented 11 years ago

Same here. It doesn't change by much. May be, we need to set how soon it should change. I am using redshift for the time-being.

bcomnes commented 11 years ago

I am as well, but much prefer the flux interface for setting up the configuration. I could never get redshift to be quite like flux. Can we re-open the issue given that it still does not work under this environment?

Kilian commented 11 years ago

Agreed, there is work to be done there but there are other tickets regarding that problem! :)

YvesChan commented 11 years ago

A similar problem occured on my 64 bit ubuntu 12.04....I installed it through PPA.

/tmp/fluxlog.txt as follow: /usr/bin/xflux: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Then I try to find it: $: locate /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

I'm sorry but is this a bug? Since I'm a freshman in Linux, I don't really know how to solve it. Any help please?

bcomnes commented 11 years ago

I never resolved it, but I did find a program called Redshift + Redshift GTK (the little GUI icon you can use to star the program / toggle it on and off) you can get from the Ubuntu repo that works great!

You need to set up a configuration file in ~/.config. I'm away from my system at the moment, but I'll post a gist of mine soon.

kambatla commented 11 years ago

Same here. Could never really run f.lux on my ubuntu machine, though I love it on my mac. Using redshift on ubuntu, but without any particular config file. Without a config file, it does become really red.

Bret - looking forward to your config file.

bcomnes commented 11 years ago

Here is my config file:

Just place it in ~/.config

Its set up to use Geoclue to automatically set the location based on your IP. It used to work awesome, getting my location EVERY time at start-up, but I re-installed ubuntu 12.10 recently, and now it only works when I reset my network adapter. Gahh I wish I knew what I was doing since the installs are so inconsistent, with components working sometimes, and other times not.

If reshift does not appear to work, its because geoclue cant find your location. if this is the case, comment out the geoclue setting, and un-comment the manual setting and the lat long settings. Make sure you grab correct lat long settings for your location from google maps or something.

Troubleshoot using the redshift -v command in terminal with the settings you want. Use info redshift for the full man page. Check out the website for even more info.

chandlerwall commented 10 years ago

I know this is an older issue, but I thought others might benefit from this information (this thread was the top result when I searched for the error message).

I ran into this issue on Ubuntu 13.10 (64 bit). I was able to resolve the issue by installing the 32 bit version of libxxf86vm1 ( For what it's worth, I also have the 64 bit version installed. In order to install the 32 bit version on a 64 bit environment, I included :i386 after the package name in my install command: sudo apt-get install libxxf86vm1:i386

After the installation completed, I was able to run xflux. This also allowed the indicator applet to function (the reason I tried to run xflux directly in the first place). I'm not an expert when it comes to managing/troubleshooting Linux/Ubuntu, so there may be a better way to solve this problem. This simple process worked for me; your results may vary.

nmcv commented 10 years ago

@chandlerwall Your solution was correct in my case - just needed libxxf86vm1:i386. Thanks.

GitterHubDone commented 10 years ago

@thechanmane You don't know how much that means to me, thank you!

chrischoy commented 9 years ago

@thechanmane Thanks! it worked for me