KilianB / JImageHash

Perceptual image hashing library used to match similar images
MIT License
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Publish artifact to maven central #32

Closed KilianB closed 3 years ago

KilianB commented 5 years ago

For some projects it's more convenient if they do not have to configure JCenter as additional repository.

e.g. #31

KilianB commented 5 years ago

Steps to publish to maven central

  1. Make sure pom contains all required fields

    • [x] groupId
    • [x] artifactId
    • [x] version
    • [ ] name
    • [ ] description
    • [ ] url
    • [x] license
    • [x] developers
    • [ ] scm
  2. Configure OSS Account

    • [x] Create account
    • [ ] Claim namespace (JIRA ticket) *
  3. Sign files (link JCenter o Maven Central)

vmassol commented 4 years ago

+1 would really help! We'd like to use your library on the XWiki project and it would make our life easier :)

vmassol commented 4 years ago

Any idea if you'd have the time to work on this anytime soon? Thanks a lot for your project.

ntherning commented 3 years ago

JCenter is shutting down in a few months. Would be great if the artifacts could be pushed to Maven Central.

MrPowerGamerBR commented 3 years ago

JCenter is sunset so you can't use this library anymore unless you compile and publish it yourself 😭

KilianB commented 3 years ago

I already started publishing the dependencies to central yesterday e.g. and created a new repo to split the examples here: The workflow to publishing to maven central has been set up over the past two days. Currently I am extending test cases and fixing issues which got opened over the last couple of months