KillStr3aK / scoreboardrank

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Implement compatibility with third party rank plugins #1

Open crashzk opened 3 years ago

crashzk commented 3 years ago

It would be interesting to implement compatibility with rank plugins to show the players rank in the score based on their rank points.

Ranks that could be compatible are:


My servers use Levels Ranks Core, based on their points the rank would automatically appear in the score on his rank, example:

        "name"      "Silver I"
        "index"     "1"    
        "flag"      "-1"
        "points"    "100"

        "name"      "Silver II"
        "index"     "2"    
        "flag"      "-1"
        "points"    "200"

        "name"      "Silver III"
        "index"     "3"    
        "flag"      "-1"
        "points"    "300"


That is, it reached 100 points shows the Silver I rank, it reached 200 points shows the Silver II rank and so on.

KillStr3aK commented 3 years ago

Sounds good, I'm busy at the moment but support will be implemented for both system!