KillYoy / DiscordNight

An actual Dark/Nightmode Theme for Discord/BetterDiscord
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Friends list hiding some friends due to a very long status #25

Closed RichardLaan closed 2 years ago

RichardLaan commented 2 years ago

I am running discord at 840 pixels wide. I have a friend who always has a super long status, and it interacts with the theme's attempts to add multiple columns in such a way that it hides the other column. Note that only 4 friends are in the image, but discord says that there are 8 online. Bugged

This is the same friends list but at 1680 pixels wide. It isn't bugged but that one status is making one column much larger than the other ones, but is not hiding any friends. Fullscreen

KillYoy commented 2 years ago

I am not able to replicate this issue, make sure you disable all other themes that could be conflicting. I see that you have the RadialStatus theme enabled for example.

KillYoy commented 2 years ago

This issue was indeed caused by the way RadialStatus is displaying its statuses. So I am closing this issue as it's not my themes fault for this conflict.