KillYoy / DiscordNight

An actual Dark/Nightmode Theme for Discord/BetterDiscord
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multi-account discord - friends list grid #59

Open hueristx opened 8 months ago

hueristx commented 8 months ago

Hi, my first issue, impressed with your work. However, I've encountered a bug while using the theme with two Discord accounts.

When I use Discord with two accounts and have your theme applied, I notice a discrepancy in the display of my friend list. The issue occurs as follows: In my first Discord account, the friend list is displayed in a grid format, which is the expected behavior and looks great. [First account] image However, when I switch to my second Discord account, the friend list reverts to a normal, non-grid list, which is not consistent with the grid format seen in the first account. [Second account] image

Steps to Reproduce: Here's how you can reproduce the issue:

  1. Install your theme and apply it to Discord.
  2. Log in with two separate Discord accounts.
  3. Observe the friend list format in the first account (grid).
  4. Switch to the second account and observe the friend list format (normal list).

Windows 11. Latest version of DiscordNight theme via Vencord mod.

KillYoy commented 8 months ago

This is not a bug in the theme but the fallback for a weird Discord quirk. The reason it's like this is because of Discord changing the friends list structure when the total number of entries in the friends list exceeds 64. Counting everything from All, Pending, Blocked together. I have sadly not found a way to make the grid work without issues when this number is exceeded so for now there is two different friends lists in the theme.