KillahPotatoes / KP-Liberation

The work on GreuhZbugs Liberation Mission for Arma 3 continues...
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Sprint 12 Review #603

Closed Wyqer closed 5 years ago

Wyqer commented 5 years ago

General Information about sprint reviews

As we will release a working iteration of the new framework after every sprint, everyone is invited to help with testing the sprint results. The only thing to remember is that you should only report bugs in this issue, which are caused by the contents of this sprint (which are listed below). So it is vital to look at the content description to see what was actually added. Only by reading this you know what we've really intended to implement and defined as done. I guess you understand that reporting things which weren't even planned to be part of the sprint won't help in any way. This releases (which are also marked as Pre-release) aren't meant to be played as replacement for the current framework. It is for testing purpose or a kind of first look at features/changes which will be part of the 0.97.0 release in some months. For serious playing use the latest stable release

Summary of this sprint

With Sprint 12 we focused on finishing/continuing the modules/work we've started in earlier sprints. Beside of that we wanted to start to provide some more documentation, so we won't have a shitload of documentation work to be done at the end.... didn't really work. Furthermore some bugfixes from earlier releases. Also we worked on the Global Mobilization update for the legacy framework, which you can expect in the upcoming week. We're also looking for an additional Tester, more details further down. Let us now get in some more specific details:

Garrison module

garrisonDialog We've finished the garrison dialog in this sprint. With this dialog you can add units to your captured sector, so they'll spawn and defend the sector upon enemy attacks. The access to this dialog is open for the logged in admin and everyone who has gotten access to it throug the permission dialog. The garrisons hold heavy vehicles, light vehicles and infantry. The vehicles are stored by classname, while the infantry is a number of the currently garrisoned units. We decided not to store each individual infantry classname, to avoid bloating the data which needs to be saved too much. Just thinking about that the infantry will grab the weapons they can get from the arsenal upon an alarm. So when you garrion e.g. 2 riflemen they can spawn as AT soldiers, Snipers or any other valid infantry class. We also fixed some bugs with the preset change during the mission and recommend a server restart after a change of this setting. The garrisons will be updated, but to update the e.g. Potato 01 helicopter, you need to perform a server restart.

Permission module optimized

The permission module got some small refactoring and additions. @Dubjunk provided a first "HowTo" for our Wiki on how to add individual permissions easily to the mission without altering any existing code. The article can be seen here.

permissionDialog As you can see on the screenshot, we've also added an export/import functionality for the permissions. With this quality of life feature you can take the permissions of your group from one server to another, as it's possible with your saved campaign via the admin dialog.

Added resource paying to build module

The integration of the resources module to the build module is basically finished. The prices of the buildings/vehicles/units are now removed from the FOB storage upon building. As we've not implemented the production mechanic in the new framework yet, you would have obviously a small issue to buy/build anything, as you don't get any resources. We may implement the production module in Sprint 13 or 14. Until then, as it's still a preview for testing, you can use the following commands via debug console to spawn certain crates at your position. The commands should be executed local.

// Supply Crate
["Supply", getPos player] call KPLIB_fnc_resources_createCrate;

// Ammo Crate
["Ammo", getPos player] call KPLIB_fnc_resources_createCrate;

// Fuel Crate
["Fuel", getPos player] call KPLIB_fnc_resources_createCrate;

Some of you may also recognized the search bar in the build menu in the past. This isn't a dummy control anymore, it's finished and usable. Makes it easier for you to find your favorite enemy killing warmachine.

Additions to the cratefiller

cratefillerDialog We've added an "Equipment Overview" sidebar to the cratefiller. It can be opened by clicking on the tools icon in the title bar. This overview provides the quality of life functionality to check what weapons specific players are currently using. You can select the group and afterwards the unit of the group. This will eliminate the need to ask your friends, after they called for resupply, which weapon they exactly have and which ammunition they need. Now you just need to know which group needs magazines or similar and can lookup their gear via the overview sidebar. Hovering over an element will provide you with information about the weapon, attachments, magazine, etc. The cratefiller will get some more adjustments in the future, so we're looking forward for feedback.

One additional Tester wanted

Even if we already found two testers, we're currently looking for one addiontal volunteer, to cover the needed test cases concerning the available time.

Here again is some information about the background etc.:

As the complexity and amount of mechanics/functionalities is growing from sprint to sprint we've come to a point where it takes much time to test all things more deeply as "starts without errors and if I push this button nothing explodes, looks fine".This will possibly lead to the fact that with the progression of the whole refactoring the amount of uncatched bugs which appear in the releases will grow and therefore we have to spend more time for bugfixing in the following sprints. To avoid this we would like to ask for volunteers who would like to support us as reliable testers.

If you're interested in helping us in this way, feel free to start a conversation with one of the dev team on the KP Discord Server via direct message.

What you would have to do:

What you should bring with you:

What do you get:

Content of this sprint

Task Description PR
#508 Small documentation and optimization #593
#575 Build system pt6 (partially) #600
#585 Bugfixing from S11 #590 #602
#587 Garrison module pt4 #599
#588 Arsenal, Logistic, Permission codework finishing #595

Released sprint result

Official public Testserver

The latest pre-release missionfile is running on our public Testserver. Feel free to join and have a look at the current development state. We would highly appreciate any feedback and/or bug reports.

Name: KP Liberation Dev Testserver


Port: 2322

Needed Mods:

Bugs found so far

# Related Task Description Reported by
01 #529 Vehicles could spawn at the same place and explode, when convoy is spawned. Needs some timing optimization @Wyqer
02 #588 The cratefiller shows groundWeaponHolder als valid storage spaces fixed via ccf1cfd595462ed487d7abdd41a8c86253cc19dc @Wyqer
03 #575 Can't build outside of fobs even with free objects fixed via 4fba305093d5bcab9f5343103f85663d79d3a31c @veteran29
04 #588 The permission kicks players out when seat switching in vehicles with missing permission fixed via 8f195ab2000536cf63b356b4c287b5e833a38c1d @Dubjunk
05 #588 Different objects than vehicles aren't recycleable fixeb via eda064b2f4387093581d2fee5caed374a874f43c @Dubjunk

Sprint History

Sprint Quick Summary Details
11 Resources implementation for logistic, Cratefiller added, Persistence module, Garrison dialog pt1 #585
10 Resupply of vehicles via a logistic station, first iteration for the enemy commander module, Bugfixes #570
9 Permission and resources modules, second part of the garrison module, finished universal preset #562
8 Arsenal, complete settings overhaul and universal unit preset templates #544
7 Persistent sector garrison, build menu implementation part 4, common functions module #520
6 Own Respawn template, object manipulation in build menu, event based save/load #505
5 Freedom replaced with Liberty, extended CBA implementation, refactor mission init, build camera refactor #494
4 Player and Admin menu, building camera overlay #471
3 First UI overhaul, config guard, free build camera #445
2 Event handling and action manager #427
1 Basic CTI functionality: Intro, Spawn, FOB deploy, capture sector, win campaign #404
Wyqer commented 5 years ago

Updated pre-release pbo file with a hotfix for bug 03 from above list. The mentioned bug caused the issue that there was no way to build the first FOB.