KillahPotatoes / KP-Liberation

The work on GreuhZbugs Liberation Mission for Arma 3 continues...
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Weferlingen Winter - Arsenal Missing Items #850

Open sirloinsandvich opened 3 years ago

sirloinsandvich commented 3 years ago

Bug report

Basic Information

Mission version: Version 0.96.7a

Map used: Weferlingen (Winter)

Mods used: None

Dedicated or local game: Local

Source of the mission file (URL):

Individual Things

Did you edit anything within the mission files? No edits were made.

If yes, what did you edit exactly?

Short Issue Description

When using arsenal preset mode, winter camouflage is not available for players. Only the default Olive uniforms are available for players, while AI are spawned with winter camo.

Expected Behaviour

Winter camo should be available for uniforms and headgear.

Steps to Reproduce the Issue

Set arsenal mode to "limited by preset" before mission start. Open arsenal once in mission. Only default olive uniforms are available.

Screenshots, Serverlog or any other helpful Information