KillahPotatoes / KP-Liberation

The work on GreuhZbugs Liberation Mission for Arma 3 continues...
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Suggestion to enhance gameplay mechanics regarding capitals and medium to large towns. #851

Open DeathRowLemon opened 3 years ago

DeathRowLemon commented 3 years ago

Suggestion/Feature request

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe:

Kind of yes. Currently taking capitals and large / medium sized towns is very tedious by combing through each and every building. The method here is basically; run through town, get shot at, shoot enemy or die -> rinse, repeat.

Describe the solution you'd like:

Realistically an army wouldn't place soldiers in random buildings and hope for the best. What I'd like to see in regards to urban combat is that taking any respectable sized town will have multiple stages of capturing. I'd make more sense for enemy forces to be hold up in a fortified area in a town. Let's take Charkia for example; it's not very big not very small either so lets give Charkia 3 fortified positions. These positions could have some HMG emplacements a whole bunch of sandbags / sandbag bunkers and soldiers. Think about the FOBs from the secondary missions but a small version of that. These three positions will be the key points that have to captured / destroyed in order to take over the town. Of course there'll be foot patrols and mechanized patrols going about and around the town as it already has. The amount of fortified points to take over would be determined by the size of the town.

For the smaller towns it could be just one fortified position + the patrols around it.

Additional context:

For any town that has a descent amount of buildings it is too tedious to keep running around finding one or two soldiers hold up in a building and repeating that method. For any hovels or hamlets with only very few buildings the original method is fine of course.

MGZoltan commented 3 years ago

This is another good idea- Either situating ops areas, checkpoints or the like around towns, or flat out just have troops finally ungarrison as numbers get lower. Altis, or any town with lots of enterable buildings are horribly tedious, and Arma AI is incredibly bad at doing building combat, with phasing through buildings, freakish hearing/sight (or just being deaf and blind, with no predictability), etc.