KillahPotatoes / KP-Liberation

The work on GreuhZbugs Liberation Mission for Arma 3 continues...
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Assign AI group in Cmdr Zeus mode broken since game update 2.02 #860

Open ali4000 opened 3 years ago

ali4000 commented 3 years ago

Bug report

Basic Information

Mission version: v0.96.7a

Map used: Bornholm, Malden

Mods used:

Dedicated or local game: Local MP server

Source of the mission file (URL): Locally built from v0.96.7a with modified presets

Individual Things

Did you edit anything within the mission files? Yes

If yes, what did you edit exactly? Added custom presets, "ported" mission to Bornholm from editor template, translated brevity code alphabet to Swedish, added some missing cargo box positions.

Short Issue Description

Since game update 2.02 a couple of days ago, it is no longer possible to (re)assign AI soldiers to/from groups using ctrl+left mouse button drag in the commander's limited Zeus interface. The UI will display the correct indicators, but when the button is released, nothing happens, regardless of whether you're trying to assign to/from a player or just amongst AI units. Nor can you move them between vehicles, or delete them.

At first I suspected it might be a problem with a game saved pre 2.02 and resumed post 2.02 update, but a newly started mission on Malden exhibits the same behaviour. This particular savegame in my own "port" to Bornholm worked before the update, and it has worked with all my custom presets for a long time. Changing AI skill etc works. I was able to assign AI soldiers to my group only by double-clicking them in Zeus and executing "[this] joinsilent group player;" and ditto with grpNull to unassign them, so the problem appears limited to the Zeus interface, after the game update.

Expected Behaviour

Reassigning/Moving AI units works as before.

Steps to Reproduce the Issue

Screenshots, Serverlog or any other helpful Information