KillahPotatoes / KP-Liberation

The work on GreuhZbugs Liberation Mission for Arma 3 continues...
MIT License
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Adding code to objects #884

Open Halmeth opened 3 years ago

Halmeth commented 3 years ago
Hello guys, I'm having some issues trying to add code into an init unit in the kp_objectInits.sqf What I'm trying to do is adding a 3d sound in a blufor unit built from the KP UI. Specifically I'm trying to add this code into this rhs unit: `[ ["rhsusf_usmc_marpat_wd_squadleader"], { _this say3D [ "radiochatter", 25, 1]; } ],` So far is only working when that unit has been already built and being left in the map and is not recruited or built by admins or players... Also it works in vehicles but not in active units... Thanks for reading!