KillahPotatoes / KP-Liberation

The work on GreuhZbugs Liberation Mission for Arma 3 continues...
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cant use headless client in Liberation Lythium #891

Closed linezada closed 2 years ago

linezada commented 2 years ago

Bug report

Basic Information

**Mission version: v0.96.7a

**Map used:Lythium

**Mods used: @A3 Thermal Improvement; @ace; @ACE Compat - RHS Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; @ACE Compat - RHS United States Armed Forces; @ACE Compat - RHS- GREF; @ACE Compat - RHS- SAF; @Anrop Jbad Legacy Compatibility; @ACEX; @AUSSOF_LITE_mas; @BackpackOnChest; @BettIR (Legacy v0.2.1); @Blastcore Edited (standalone version); @BRAF - Brazilian Armed Forces A3; @CBA_A3; @Complementary Special Weapons (Backup); @cTab; @CUP ACE3 Compatibility Addon - Terrains; @CUP ACE3 Compatibility Addon - Vehicles; @CUP ACE3 Compatibility Addon - Weapons; @CUP Terrains - Core; @CUP Terrains - Maps; @CUP Terrains - Maps 2.0; @CUP Units; @CUP Vehicles; @CUP Weapons; @DUI - Squad Radar; @Enhanced GPS; @Enhanced Map Ace Version; @Enhanced Movement (ACEX Fix); @Enhanced Soundscape; @Fawks' Enhanced NVGs; @Females-TCGM_Girls; @Gruppe Adler Trenches; @Immersion Cigs; @Jbad; @JSRS SOUNDMOD; @JSRS SOUNDMOD - CUP VEHICLES MOD SOUND SUPPORT; @JSRS SOUNDMOD - CUP WEAPONS MOD SOUND SUPPORT; @JSRS SOUNDMOD - Reloading Sounds; @JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS AFRF Mod Pack Sound Support; @JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS GREF Mod Pack Sound Support; @JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS SAF Mod Pack Support; @JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS USAF Mod Pack Sound Support; @LYTHIUM; @Multi-play Uniforms; @Multi-play Uniforms for TCGM_Girls; @No More Aircraft Bouncing; @No Weapon Sway; @Project OPFOR; @RHSAFRF; @RHSGREF; @RHSSAF; @RHSUSAF; @TAC VESTS; @Task Force Arrowhead Radio (BETA!!!); @TAW View Distance - Addon; @TFAR Animations; @Tier One Weapons; @Tier One Weapons-BettIR Compatibility Config; @Turret Enhanced; @Zeus Enhanced; @Zeus Enhanced - ACE3 Compatibility;

**Dedicated or local game: Dedicated

**Source of the mission file (URL):

Individual Things

**Did you edit anything within the mission files? no

Expected Behaviour

the bug occur when i try to use a headless client in this missions this is the bug You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.afghan_houses_old, Wall_L, Wall_k, afghan_houses, afghan_houses_c, mil, Misc_Ramps, Jbad_Misc_Construction, Jbad_misc_market, Ind_Workshop01, Ind_Conveyer, Ind_Coltan_Mine, Cargo_Cont, ffaa_casas_af, gbr_Bush, gbr_Veg, Jbad_Ind_SawMill, Ind_Shed, Wall, Jbad_Rock1

linezada commented 2 years ago

i tested atlis,chernarus,takistanh,lythium and sahranri only chernarus , Sahranri and atlis works