KillahPotatoes / KP-Liberation

The work on GreuhZbugs Liberation Mission for Arma 3 continues...
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Items in backpacks, vests and uniforms get deleted if another item of the same type ("binoculars") is selected in the slot. #892

Open CidKiron opened 2 years ago

CidKiron commented 2 years ago

Bug report

When using the Liberation arsenal, using the ACE3 arsenal, Items in backpacks, vests and uniforms get deleted if another item of the same type (ex: "binoculars") is selected in the slot. Aditionally when closing the Liberation arsenal half the times the scope in the weapon gets removed. If another ACE3 arsenal is added to an object and restricted by blacklist, via editor or zeus, when accesing this arsenal through ACE3 interaction the problem do not appears, so it seems related to the way the Liberation arsenal works.

Mission version: v0.96.7a

Map used: Altis

Mods used: CBA3, ACE3, TFR, FFAAmod, CUP_weapons, FFAAmod_ace_compat, CUP_weapons_ace_compat.

Dedicated or local game: Dedicated

Source of the mission file (URL):

Individual Things

The liberation arsenal is set as custom using the blacklist. Liberation arsenal is set to ACE3 arsenal.

Short Issue Description

When using the Liberation arsenal, using the ACE3 arsenal, Items in backpacks, vests and uniforms get deleted if another item of the same type (ex: "binoculars") is selected in the slot. Aditionally when closing the Liberation arsenal half the times the scope in the weapon gets removed. If another ACE3 arsenal is added to an object and restricted by blacklist, via editor or zeus, when accesing this arsenal through ACE3 interaction the problem do not appears, so it seems related to the way the Liberation arsenal works.

Expected Behaviour

To not remove the items in the inventory when adding more items of the same type from the KP arsenal. To not remove scopes randomly when closing the arsenal.

Steps to Reproduce the Issue

Launch a Liberation in MP through the editor. Open arsenal, select binoculars in the binoculars slot, and select a backpack. Close arsenal, move binoculars from the binoculars slot into the backpack inventory. Open arsenal, take laser designator in the empty binoculars slot. Close arsenal, an error will popup (image added, option to view errors must be turned on) and the binoculars in the backpack are gone.

Screenshots, Serverlog or any other helpful Information
