KillahPotatoes / KP-Liberation

The work on GreuhZbugs Liberation Mission for Arma 3 continues...
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Custom Arsenal Preset Failing to Populate Weapon Attachments #947

Open itsmikrooo opened 6 months ago

itsmikrooo commented 6 months ago

Bug report

Basic Information

Mission version: v0.96.7a

Map used: Enoch/Livonia

Mods used:

Dedicated or local game: Dedicated (Headless)

Source of the mission file (URL): Official release, with modifications made to KP Liberation Livonia.Enoch\kp_liberation_config.sqf and KP Liberation Livonia.Enoch\arsenal_presets\custom.sqf

Individual Things

Did you edit anything within the mission files? Yes

If yes, what did you edit exactly? I extracted the PBO file, and made the following changes to kp_liberation_config.sqf :

  1. BLUFOR preset:
    • 21 = CUP US Army (Woodland)
  2. OPFOR preset:
    • 17 = CUP Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Modern MSV)
  3. Resistance preset:
    • 8 = CUP National Party of Chernarus
  4. Civilians preset:
    • 7 = CUP Chernarussian Civilians
  5. Which arsenal preset should be used?
    • 1 = Custom arsenal preset

Short Issue Description

I'm putting together a KP Liberation Server for some friends and I (Livonia if it matters), and have put together a custom arsenal preset for all CUP weapons/weapons attachments/uniforms/tools/equipment to ensure balance against enemy forces + some stuff from ACE (medical supplies/tools/backpacks)

In the mission parameters I have it set to use the ACE Arsenal, but other than that everything is configured in the kp_liberation_config.sqf to run on, and utilize all the CUP weapons and vehicles.

The problems that I'm currently running in to and am completely stumped on, is :

  1. None of the weapons have attachments despite all weapon attachments and optics being outlined and defined in the custom arsenal preset.
  2. Some of the ACE Rangefinders that I also have outlined, do not appear in the binoculars section.
  3. There are also no selectable options for Nightvision despite Nightvision also being outlined in the custom arsenals file I've created using CUPs publicly available repo on their site.
  4. I am also seeing errors in my web console for the server that seem to repeat this endlessly with enemies that are spawned which I can only assume points back to Point 1 :
    5:23:31 Server: Object 2:313 not found (message Type_97)
    5:23:31 Server: Object 2:313 not found (message Type_125)
    5:23:51 Server: Object 2:313 not found (message Type_97)
    5:24:08 Server: Object 2:313 not found (message Type_125)
    5:24:11 Server: Object 2:313 not found (message Type_97)
    5:24:31 Server: Object 2:313 not found (message Type_97)
    5:24:45 Server: Object 2:313 not found (message Type_125)

If any files need to be attached to aid in troubleshooting let me know, more than happy to add anything that might be required, just not entirely sure where to start.