KillerInk / FreeDcam

FreeDcam is a CameraApp for Android >4.0(ics) wich try to enable stuff that is forgotten by the manufacturs
GNU General Public License v2.0
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there is a delay in capturing the photo only in back not in front #163

Open fob014 opened 2 years ago

fob014 commented 2 years ago

delay of when i touch the shutter when it actually start capturing the photo only in back camera not in front

camera 2 api android 10 , 11 both camera 2 api level 3

KillerInk commented 2 years ago

freedcam waits till the exposuretrigger and focus is done or a timout trigger. then it starts a capture. due that you front cam dont behave like back cam, i expect you front is fixed focus. to confirm thats it is the focus try to set focus to manual and capture. if the delay is gon,e something is wrong with your autofocus.

fob014 commented 2 years ago

i think no because

1 after relaunching the app when first time i capture the photo that delay is not there but after that it appear

2 even in maunal focus , shutter speed, iso it still have that delay

its must be a bug i didn't not have this delay in other third party app

see this video ( Focus on my finger touch) first time after launching the app that delay was not here after

fob014 commented 2 years ago

KillerInk commented 2 years ago

i dont think thats a bug. the shutter button change when a image capture get started, and when done. so on click doesnt mean that there is directly a image capture started. currently i added a timetrace wich shows the time from button click till the image capture starts. the measured times are between 5ms - 200ms depening on light condition and how long it took to find focus.

back and front cam are using the same code. i cant repoduce your problem. from my side it looks ok.

if you wanna take a series of shots use the burst slider to set how many images it should take


fob014 commented 2 years ago

i dont think thats a bug. the shutter button change when a image capture get started, and when done. so on click doesnt mean that there is directly a image capture started. currently i added a timetrace wich shows the time from button click till the image capture starts. the measured times are between 5ms - 200ms depening on light condition and how long it took to find focus.

back and front cam are using the same code. i cant repoduce your problem. from my side it looks ok.

if you wanna take a series of shots use the burst slider to set how many images it should take


than can you add an option to disable or enable that 5ms or 200ms delay