Killy85 / MachineLearningExercises

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Closed JeffAbrahamson closed 5 years ago

JeffAbrahamson commented 5 years ago
╭╴ (master=) [virt]╶╮
╰ vagrant@ubuntu-xenial:03 $ python 
  File "", line 61
    Precision {precision:.2f}% \n    Recall {recall:.2f}% \n    F1 measure {f_measure:.2f}%\n    Correctness {prct:.2f}%""")
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
╭╴ (master=) [virt]╶╮
╰ 1, vagrant@ubuntu-xenial:03 $ 
Killy85 commented 5 years ago


Thanks for the feedback.

Which version of python are you running? If under 3.6, you may have to upgrade. In fact, I did try this doing a clean install on a docker solution and it runs smoothly with Python3.6.

JeffAbrahamson commented 5 years ago

Ah, right, I'm running these in vagrant, and I see my vagrant box is not up to date, so I got python 3.5.x. I'll upgrade the vagrant instance, then pip, then try again. I'll get some sleep whilst it does that. ;-)