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Larry Harris - Trading & Exchanges #3

Open KimDahye opened 6 years ago

KimDahye commented 6 years ago

Larry Harris Chapter 4 Chapter 8 Chapter 10,11,12 Chapter 13,14,16,17

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 4 Orders and order properties

4.1 what are orders? why do ppl use them?

4.3 market orders - 이제부터 다양한 order 종류가 나오는 듯!

4.4 Limit orders

4.5 stop orders

4.6 market-if-touched orders

4.7 tick-sensitive orders

4.8 market-not-held orders

4.9 validity and expiration instructions

4.10 quantity instructions

4.11 Other order instructions


KimDahye commented 6 years ago

8장에서는 hedger가 쓰는 전략들을 이해하기 위해 가장 많은 시간을 쏟았다. 특히, derivatives 인 forward contracts, futures contracts, options contracts, swap 의 개념을 익히고 이들이 어떻게 hedging strategy에 쓰여지는 지 알게 되었다.

Chapter 8 Why people trade

8.1 Utilitarian

1. investors and borrowers

2. asset exchangers

3. hedgers and Hedging

case 1 farmers and baker - forward contracts, futures contracts

case 2 speculator - futures contracts, options contracts,

case 3 banks and pension funds

hedging markets

4. gamblers

5. fledglings

6. cross-subsidizers

7. tax avoider

8.2 profit-motivated traders


informed traders (fundamental information)

order anticipators (information about other traders)

Bluffers (information about who can be fooled - 사람들이 자기 뜻대로 속아주면 돈 번다.)


Market makers

Block facilitators

8.3 futile traders

KimDahye commented 6 years ago

Chapter 10 Informed Traders and Market Efficiency

들어가기 전에 - 왜 informed trading을 공부해야 할까?

10.1 Fundamental Values (- 관련 용어들)

10.2 Informed traders

10.3 Informed traders make prices informative

10.4 Informed trading strategies

10.5 Style of informed trading

value traders

news traders

information-oriented technical traders


10.6 competition, trading profits, and informative prices

KimDahye commented 6 years ago

Chapter 11. Order Anticipators

1. front runners

2 types of front runners

front runners and market efficiency

front runners and market liquidity

2. sentiment-oriented technical traders

sentiment-oriented technical traders, market efficiency, and liquidity

3. squeezers

나가면서. 각 anticipators에 대한 예방법

KimDahye commented 6 years ago

Chapter 12. Bluffers and market manipulation

생각해볼만한 질문

KimDahye commented 6 years ago

Chapter 13. Dealers

13.1 who are dealers?

13.2 Dealer quotations

13.3 trading with Dealers

13.4 attracting order flow

13.5 dealer quotation decision

13.6 dealer inventories

13.7 inventory risk

13.8 dealer responses to adverse selection

1. what dealers to when they trade with informed traders (quote 재빠르게 수정하기!)

2. how to quote to avoid informed trader

3. The adverse selection spread component

4. Dealers sometimes refuse to trade with informed traders

13.9 Pricing mistakes dealers make, and how they avoid them

13.10 well-informed and poorly informed dealers

13.11 dealers and value traders

13.12 dealers and bluffers

KimDahye commented 6 years ago

chapter 14. bid/ask spreads

dealer bid/ask spreads

spread components

adverse selection spread component를 설명하는 두가지 관점

adverse selection and uninformed traders

equilibrium spreads in continuous order-driven auction markets

cross-sectional spread predictions

primary spread determinants

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