KimJorgensen / KungFuFlash

Cartridge for the Commodore 64 that packs a punch
zlib License
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Support for Retro Replay (32k RAM) #45

Open lubber-de opened 3 years ago

lubber-de commented 3 years ago


The readme says "only" the original Action Replays 4/5/6 are supported. Those had 8kb extra RAM The Retro Replay, while backward compatible , had (and uses) 32kb RAM

Will KungFu Flash support full Retro Replay compatibility in the future? Or did i misunderstood the compatibility ?

KimJorgensen commented 3 years ago

You are correct that Retro Replay (CRT type 36) is not supported at the moment and I'll label this issue as an enhancement.

SvOlli commented 3 years ago

There seems to be a bit more to it. I did a quick-hack implementation of the Retro Replay on the current master implementing the following features:

What I didn't implement was the $DE01 register (see:

For this I had two test cases:

I could dump all banks from my "AR+" cartridge, so banking seems to work, but the rr38p-tmp12 does not work, so there still is work that needs to be done. I'm not sure, if I will pursue further development.

P.S.: Kim, it's awesome, how easy it was to add my expansion. Thanks for that. And also a question on how to progress, if I do so:

KimJorgensen commented 3 years ago

@SvOlli Thank you for the offer, but I'm not really keen on adding quick hacks or partial working solutions to the repository. This will make the maintenance of the code harder, and potentially generate bug reports and annoy users.

I'm not opposed to extending the Action Replay emulation to 64kb if it is compatible and there is a real use case. But I think it is a bad idea to allow emulation of Retro Replay images before emulation is reasonable complete.

SvOlli commented 3 years ago

I read a bit deeper into the documentation, and there are quite some features that lead me to the following conclusions:

And I also noticed something: the timing of the KFF in AR mode is very delicate. I tried it on the following systems (all PAL machines):

On those the AR emulation was only stable on the C128D, on all "retro machines" the system crashed with the following "symptoms" (result differs from machine to machine, as well as from try to try):

KimJorgensen commented 3 years ago

@SvOlli I have regular tested AR on 5 different Commodore produced C64s and a C128 and do not have the problems you describe. Not that there are no timing variations between these old computers, there are, but based on what you are seeing it seems that the Reloaded and Ultimate has slightly different timing requirements than a "real" C64.

It is true that for the AR emulation the timing is tight and there is very little headroom for adding more functionality.

SvOlli commented 3 years ago

Thanks for verifying this. From what I can tell, problems got less when my 3D printed case was finally completed, and I wasn't working with a bare PCB any more.

About the timing being tight in the AR emulation: I noticed that, when trying to implement Atomic Power, which is Action Replay with one extra config. The problem there was, that I could not tell, if I was breaking the system with bad code or timing. I'll give it another try soon. The idea for progressing is right now: from AR to Atomic Power to Retro Replay.

KimJorgensen commented 3 years ago

If you had problems with the board then you should check that the connector is nice and clean. I had a board that sometimes would crash the C64 by pressing down on it. After cleaning the connector they problem went away.

SvOlli commented 3 years ago

I did some tries in implementing Retro Replay, or as an interim step Atomic Power, which is just Action Replay with a special addressing, allowing the ROM to stay at $8000 and map the RAM to $A000.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like even adding an additional if statement to figure out if it's running in that special mode results in the data sometimes being written too late to the bus, so it's not accurate all of the time. I noticed once the "CBM80" identification changed to "KBM80" which would indicate just one out of 40 bits being pulled low too late.