We've got mouse-pressed and mouse-released, there are a few others built into quil that we should support.
[x] :mouse-pressed - Called every time a mouse button is pressed.
[x] :mouse-released - Called every time a mouse button is released.
[ ] :focus-gained - Called when the sketch gains focus. Not supported in ClojureScript.
[ ] :focus-lost - Called when the sketch loses focus. Not supported in ClojureScript.
[ ] :mouse-entered - Called when the mouse enters the sketch window.
[ ] :mouse-exited - Called when the mouse leaves the sketch window
[ ] :mouse-clicked - Called once after a mouse button has been pressed and then released.
[ ] :mouse-moved - Called every time the mouse moves and a button is not pressed.
[ ] :mouse-dragged - Called every time the mouse moves and a button is pressed.
[ ] :mouse-wheel - Called every time mouse wheel is rotated. Takes 1 argument - wheel rotation, an int. Negative values if the mouse wheel was rotated up/away from the user, and positive values if the mouse wheel was rotated down/towards the user.
We've got mouse-pressed and mouse-released, there are a few others built into quil that we should support.