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Collaborative Reply Management System Implementation #55

Open mbeybinesen opened 6 months ago

mbeybinesen commented 6 months ago


Objective: Implement a collaborative reply management system within the product dashboard, allowing team agents from various departments to draft and submit replies to the admin for approval. This system aims to streamline communication, enhance response efficiency, and ensure consistent messaging across different departments.

Project Timeline: End Date: February, 10 days from the start date

Key Components and Features:

  1. Dashboard Integration Objective: Integrate a dedicated section within the product dashboard for collaborative reply management. Responsibility: Development Team
  2. User Roles and Permissions Objective: Define and implement user roles corresponding to various departments (e.g., CX, Marketing, Sales, Technical, Logistics) with specific permissions. Responsibility: Project Manager
  3. Reply Drafting Functionality Objective: Enable agents to compose and submit reply drafts within the dashboard. Responsibility: Development Team
  4. Admin Approval Workflow Objective: Design a workflow for admin approval of drafted replies, ensuring consistency and adherence to company guidelines. Responsibility: Project Manager
  5. Department-Specific Templates Objective: Implement templates for each department to maintain consistency in communication style. Responsibility: Content Team
  6. Notifications and Alerts Objective: Set up notifications and alerts to inform agents and admins about the status of submitted drafts. Responsibility: Development Team
  7. User Training and Documentation Objective: Develop training materials and documentation for users, guiding them on how to use the collaborative reply management system. Responsibility: Training Team Project Review and Approval:
  8. Internal Testing Objective: Conduct internal testing to ensure the functionality and usability of the collaborative reply management system. Responsibility: Quality Assurance Team
  9. Admin Approval Objective: Admin review and approval of the entire system and its features. Responsibility: Admin
  10. User Feedback Session Objective: Gather feedback from departmental users to identify potential improvements. Responsibility: Project Manager

Project Delivery: Date: February Note: The project manager will be responsible for overseeing the overall progress, coordinating tasks, and ensuring timely delivery. Regular status updates will be provided to all stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle. Any unforeseen issues affecting the timeline will be communicated promptly, and adjustments may be made as necessary.