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More standardised / well-known input parameter file format, like YAML or TOML #5

Closed GlitchCat closed 8 months ago

GlitchCat commented 1 year ago

Having a more standardised and popular input parameter format would make it easier for other programs to create and/or read such an input parameter file without having to create a new parser for your custom format.

This would also reduce the code required in the file for handling this input file format, possibly reducing bugs by using a well tested library.

JSON and XML are built into python, so those might also be nice. These are less human-readable though, so the decision is ultimately up to you depending on your concerns.

More info on TOML vs YAML:

For YAML PyYAML is popular. For TOML, tomllib is standardized: PEP 680 – tomllib: Support for Parsing TOML in the Standard Library