Kin-Zhang / simple_ndt_slam

simple ndt slam, quick deploy on mobile robot, support mapping and localization (origin from; 简易slam包 快速部署使用
MIT License
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Dynamic Object Removal #9

Closed arwinder-jaspal closed 10 months ago

arwinder-jaspal commented 10 months ago

When I tried the post-processing steps to remove dynamic obstacles, it generates one pcd fle for each point cloud msg. How do i generate only one PCD file similar to the output of simple_ndt?

Kin-Zhang commented 10 months ago

Hi, check here:

cd tools
cmake -B build && cmake --build build
# format
./bag2pcd_tf <rosbag_path> <save_pcd_folder> <pc2_topic_name> <world_or_map_frame_id>
# example
./bag2pcd_tf /home/kin/pointclouds.bag /home/kin/Tmp /camera/rgb/points world

This is to generate the dataset format, then you need run DynamicBenchmark