I gave up on changing the color of the app screen in the recents list to match the theme, default is always white.
I decided to add an incognito vector icon for the privacy category because I felt it's more in-line with privacy than the ones I found in the material library. The icon is from phosphoricons and is named "detective". I don't think attribution is needed as I couldn't find anything related to crediting the creators on either the website or the github of the project, but feel free to credit them if you want to.
Closes #73
I gave up on changing the color of the app screen in the recents list to match the theme, default is always white.
I decided to add an incognito vector icon for the privacy category because I felt it's more in-line with privacy than the ones I found in the material library. The icon is from phosphoricons and is named "detective". I don't think attribution is needed as I couldn't find anything related to crediting the creators on either the website or the github of the project, but feel free to credit them if you want to.