KinTatHo / pe

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Unable to test out unmarkloan feature #2

Open KinTatHo opened 2 months ago

KinTatHo commented 2 months ago


Whenever I mark a loan feature disappears, so cant unmark that specific loan

Steps to reproduce

  1. Link any loan
  2. mark that loan


    Able to unmark the same loan


    loan disappears

soc-se-bot commented 2 months ago

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Team's Response

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

We've investigated the issue you raised and found that you were attempting to unmark the same loan within the software. However, it appears that the functionality is working as intended.

Upon further review, it seems that the reason you were unable to unmark the loan was because you were on the wrong view. We've attached a screen recording for your reference.

Please note that within the viewloan feature, if the -a flag is not provided, only active loans (those marked as Returned: No) will be displayed (refer to screenshot 1 at the bottom).

As a result, after the status update triggered by the markloan command, the loan is no longer visible under viewloan. However, it can still be viewed under viewloan -a, as the marked loan is now classified as inactive.

Therefore, this behavior aligns with the intended functionality outlined in the user guide. Consequently, we've determined that this is not a functionality bug.

Thank you again for your attention to detail and for your valuable input.

Screen Recording
Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2024-04-21 at 1.42.14 AM.png

Items for the Tester to Verify

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