KindXiaoming / pykan

Kolmogorov Arnold Networks
MIT License
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Pykan PLOT not working in Colab anymore #319

Open RubensZimbres opened 2 months ago

RubensZimbres commented 2 months ago

I am using a Colab Notebook and everthing was fine until July 5th, 2024. Now, model.plot() gives the following error:


Python 3.10.12

I tried installation via pip Pypi and pip install git+ Both return errors in .plot()

Is this a pillow error ?

My pip list:

Package                          Version
-------------------------------- ---------------------
absl-py                          1.4.0
aiohttp                          3.9.5
aiosignal                        1.3.1
alabaster                        0.7.16
albumentations                   1.3.1
altair                           4.2.2
annotated-types                  0.7.0
anyio                            3.7.1
argon2-cffi                      23.1.0
argon2-cffi-bindings             21.2.0
array_record                     0.5.1
arviz                            0.15.1
astropy                          5.3.4
astunparse                       1.6.3
async-timeout                    4.0.3
atpublic                         4.1.0
attrs                            23.2.0
audioread                        3.0.1
autograd                         1.6.2
Babel                            2.15.0
backcall                         0.2.0
beautifulsoup4                   4.12.3
bidict                           0.23.1
bigframes                        1.11.0
bleach                           6.1.0
blinker                          1.4
blis                             0.7.11
blosc2                           2.0.0
bokeh                            3.3.4
bqplot                           0.12.43
branca                           0.7.2
build                            1.2.1
CacheControl                     0.14.0
cachetools                       5.3.3
catalogue                        2.0.10
certifi                          2024.6.2
cffi                             1.16.0
chardet                          5.2.0
charset-normalizer               3.3.2
chex                             0.1.86
click                            8.1.7
click-plugins                    1.1.1
cligj                            0.7.2
cloudpathlib                     0.18.1
cloudpickle                      2.2.1
cmake                            3.27.9
cmdstanpy                        1.2.4
colorcet                         3.1.0
colorlover                       0.3.0
colour                           0.1.5
community                        1.0.0b1
confection                       0.1.5
cons                             0.4.6
contextlib2                      21.6.0
contourpy                        1.2.1
cryptography                     42.0.8
cuda-python                      12.2.1
cudf-cu12                        24.4.1
cufflinks                        0.17.3
cupy-cuda12x                     12.2.0
cvxopt                           1.3.2
cvxpy                            1.3.4
cycler                           0.12.1
cymem                            2.0.8
Cython                           3.0.10
dask                             2023.8.1
datascience                      0.17.6
db-dtypes                        1.2.0
dbus-python                      1.2.18
debugpy                          1.6.6
decorator                        4.4.2
defusedxml                       0.7.1
distributed                      2023.8.1
distro                           1.7.0
dlib                             19.24.4
dm-tree                          0.1.8
docstring_parser                 0.16
docutils                         0.18.1
dopamine_rl                      4.0.9
duckdb                           0.10.3
earthengine-api                  0.1.409
easydict                         1.13
ecos                             2.0.14
editdistance                     0.6.2
eerepr                           0.0.4
en-core-web-sm                   3.7.1
entrypoints                      0.4
et-xmlfile                       1.1.0
etils                            1.7.0
etuples                          0.3.9
exceptiongroup                   1.2.1
fastai                           2.7.15
fastcore                         1.5.48
fastdownload                     0.0.7
fastjsonschema                   2.20.0
fastprogress                     1.0.3
fastrlock                        0.8.2
filelock                         3.15.4
fiona                            1.9.6
firebase-admin                   5.3.0
Flask                            2.2.5
flatbuffers                      24.3.25
flax                             0.8.4
folium                           0.14.0
fonttools                        4.53.0
frozendict                       2.4.4
frozenlist                       1.4.1
fsspec                           2023.6.0
future                           0.18.3
gast                             0.6.0
gcsfs                            2023.6.0
GDAL                             3.6.4
gdown                            5.1.0
geemap                           0.32.1
gensim                           4.3.2
geocoder                         1.38.1
geographiclib                    2.0
geopandas                        0.13.2
geopy                            2.3.0
gin-config                       0.5.0
glob2                            0.7
google                           2.0.3
google-ai-generativelanguage     0.6.4
google-api-core                  2.16.2
google-api-python-client         2.84.0
google-auth                      2.27.0
google-auth-httplib2             0.1.1
google-auth-oauthlib             1.2.0
google-cloud-aiplatform          1.57.0
google-cloud-bigquery            3.21.0
google-cloud-bigquery-connection 1.12.1
google-cloud-bigquery-storage    2.25.0
google-cloud-bigtable            2.24.0
google-cloud-core                2.3.3
google-cloud-datastore           2.15.2
google-cloud-firestore           2.11.1
google-cloud-functions           1.13.3
google-cloud-iam                 2.15.0
google-cloud-language            2.13.3
google-cloud-pubsub              2.21.5
google-cloud-resource-manager    1.12.3
google-cloud-storage             2.8.0
google-cloud-translate           3.11.3
google-colab                     1.0.0
google-crc32c                    1.5.0
google-generativeai              0.5.4
google-pasta                     0.2.0
google-resumable-media           2.7.1
googleapis-common-protos         1.63.2
googledrivedownloader            0.4
graphviz                         0.20.3
greenlet                         3.0.3
grpc-google-iam-v1               0.13.1
grpcio                           1.64.1
grpcio-status                    1.48.2
gspread                          6.0.2
gspread-dataframe                3.3.1
gym                              0.25.2
gym-notices                      0.0.8
h5netcdf                         1.3.0
h5py                             3.9.0
holidays                         0.52
holoviews                        1.17.1
html5lib                         1.1
httpimport                       1.3.1
httplib2                         0.22.0
huggingface-hub                  0.23.4
humanize                         4.7.0
hyperopt                         0.2.7
ibis-framework                   8.0.0
idna                             3.7
imageio                          2.31.6
imageio-ffmpeg                   0.5.1
imagesize                        1.4.1
imbalanced-learn                 0.10.1
imgaug                           0.4.0
immutabledict                    4.2.0
importlib_metadata               8.0.0
importlib_resources              6.4.0
imutils                          0.5.4
inflect                          7.0.0
iniconfig                        2.0.0
intel-openmp                     2023.2.4
ipyevents                        2.0.2
ipyfilechooser                   0.6.0
ipykernel                        5.5.6
ipyleaflet                       0.18.2
ipyparallel                      8.8.0
ipython                          7.34.0
ipython-genutils                 0.2.0
ipython-sql                      0.5.0
ipytree                          0.2.2
ipywidgets                       7.7.1
itsdangerous                     2.2.0
jax                              0.4.26
jaxlib                           0.4.26+cuda12.cudnn89
jeepney                          0.7.1
jellyfish                        1.0.4
jieba                            0.42.1
Jinja2                           3.1.4
joblib                           1.4.2
jsonpickle                       3.2.2
jsonschema                       4.19.2
jsonschema-specifications        2023.12.1
jupyter-client                   6.1.12
jupyter-console                  6.1.0
jupyter_core                     5.7.2
jupyter-server                   1.24.0
jupyterlab_pygments              0.3.0
jupyterlab_widgets               3.0.11
kaggle                           1.6.14
kagglehub                        0.2.5
keras                            2.15.0
keyring                          23.5.0
kiwisolver                       1.4.5
langcodes                        3.4.0
language_data                    1.2.0
launchpadlib                     1.10.16
lazr.restfulclient               0.14.4
lazr.uri                         1.0.6
lazy_loader                      0.4
libclang                         18.1.1
librosa                          0.10.2.post1
lightgbm                         4.1.0
linkify-it-py                    2.0.3
llvmlite                         0.41.1
locket                           1.0.0
logical-unification              0.4.6
lxml                             4.9.4
malloy                           2023.1067
marisa-trie                      1.2.0
Markdown                         3.6
markdown-it-py                   3.0.0
MarkupSafe                       2.1.5
matplotlib                       3.7.1
matplotlib-inline                0.1.7
matplotlib-venn                  0.11.10
mdit-py-plugins                  0.4.1
mdurl                            0.1.2
miniKanren                       1.0.3
missingno                        0.5.2
mistune                          0.8.4
mizani                           0.9.3
mkl                              2023.2.0
ml-dtypes                        0.2.0
mlxtend                          0.22.0
more-itertools                   10.1.0
moviepy                          1.0.3
mpmath                           1.3.0
msgpack                          1.0.8
multidict                        6.0.5
multipledispatch                 1.0.0
multitasking                     0.0.11
murmurhash                       1.0.10
music21                          9.1.0
natsort                          8.4.0
nbclassic                        1.1.0
nbclient                         0.10.0
nbconvert                        6.5.4
nbformat                         5.10.4
nest-asyncio                     1.6.0
networkx                         3.3
nibabel                          4.0.2
nltk                             3.8.1
notebook                         6.5.5
notebook_shim                    0.2.4
numba                            0.58.1
numexpr                          2.10.1
numpy                            1.25.2
nvtx                             0.2.10
oauth2client                     4.1.3
oauthlib                         3.2.2
openpyxl                         3.1.5
opt-einsum                       3.3.0
optax                            0.2.2
orbax-checkpoint                 0.4.4
osqp                             0.6.2.post8
packaging                        24.1
pandas                           2.0.3
pandas-datareader                0.10.0
pandas-gbq                       0.19.2
pandocfilters                    1.5.1
panel                            1.3.8
param                            2.1.1
parso                            0.8.4
parsy                            2.1
partd                            1.4.2
pathlib                          1.0.1
patsy                            0.5.6
peewee                           3.17.5
pexpect                          4.9.0
pickleshare                      0.7.5
Pillow                           9.4.0
pip                              23.1.2
pip-tools                        6.13.0
platformdirs                     4.2.2
plotly                           5.15.0
plotnine                         0.12.4
pluggy                           1.5.0
polars                           0.20.2
pooch                            1.8.2
portpicker                       1.5.2
prefetch-generator               1.0.3
preshed                          3.0.9
prettytable                      3.10.0
proglog                          0.1.10
progressbar2                     4.2.0
prometheus_client                0.20.0
promise                          2.3
prompt_toolkit                   3.0.47
prophet                          1.1.5
proto-plus                       1.24.0
protobuf                         3.20.3
psutil                           5.9.5
psycopg2                         2.9.9
ptyprocess                       0.7.0
py-cpuinfo                       9.0.0
pyarrow                          14.0.2
pyarrow-hotfix                   0.6
pyasn1                           0.6.0
pyasn1_modules                   0.4.0
pycocotools                      2.0.8
pycparser                        2.22
pydantic                         2.8.0
pydantic_core                    2.20.0
pydata-google-auth               1.8.2
pydot                            1.4.2
pydot-ng                         2.0.0
pydotplus                        2.0.2
PyDrive                          1.3.1
PyDrive2                         1.6.3
pygame                           2.6.0
Pygments                         2.16.1
PyGObject                        3.42.1
PyJWT                            2.3.0
pykan                            0.1.2
pymc                             5.10.4
pymystem3                        0.2.0
pynvjitlink-cu12                 0.2.4
PyOpenGL                         3.1.7
pyOpenSSL                        24.1.0
pyparsing                        3.1.2
pyperclip                        1.9.0
pyproj                           3.6.1
pyproject_hooks                  1.1.0
pyshp                            2.3.1
PySocks                          1.7.1
pytensor                         2.18.6
pytest                           7.4.4
python-apt                       0.0.0
python-box                       7.2.0
python-dateutil                  2.8.2
python-louvain                   0.16
python-slugify                   8.0.4
python-utils                     3.8.2
pytz                             2023.4
pyviz_comms                      3.0.2
PyWavelets                       1.6.0
PyYAML                           6.0.1
pyzmq                            24.0.1
qdldl                            0.1.7.post4
qudida                           0.0.4
ratelim                          0.1.6
referencing                      0.35.1
regex                            2024.5.15
requests                         2.31.0
requests-oauthlib                1.3.1
requirements-parser              0.9.0
rich                             13.7.1
rmm-cu12                         24.4.0
rpds-py                          0.18.1
rpy2                             3.4.2
rsa                              4.9
safetensors                      0.4.3
scikit-image                     0.19.3
scikit-learn                     1.2.2
scipy                            1.11.4
scooby                           0.10.0
scs                              3.2.5
seaborn                          0.13.1
SecretStorage                    3.3.1
Send2Trash                       1.8.3
sentencepiece                    0.1.99
setuptools                       67.7.2
shapely                          2.0.4
shellingham                      1.5.4
simple_parsing                   0.1.5
six                              1.16.0
sklearn-pandas                   2.2.0
smart-open                       7.0.4
sniffio                          1.3.1
snowballstemmer                  2.2.0
sortedcontainers                 2.4.0
soundfile                        0.12.1
soupsieve                        2.5
soxr                             0.3.7
spacy                            3.7.5
spacy-legacy                     3.0.12
spacy-loggers                    1.0.5
Sphinx                           5.0.2
sphinxcontrib-applehelp          1.0.8
sphinxcontrib-devhelp            1.0.6
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp           2.0.5
sphinxcontrib-jsmath             1.0.1
sphinxcontrib-qthelp             1.0.7
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml    1.1.10
SQLAlchemy                       2.0.31
sqlglot                          20.11.0
sqlparse                         0.5.0
srsly                            2.4.8
stanio                           0.5.0
statsmodels                      0.14.2
StrEnum                          0.4.15
sympy                            1.12.1
tables                           3.8.0
tabulate                         0.9.0
tbb                              2021.13.0
tblib                            3.0.0
tenacity                         8.4.2
tensorboard                      2.15.2
tensorboard-data-server          0.7.2
tensorflow                       2.15.0
tensorflow-datasets              4.9.6
tensorflow-estimator             2.15.0
tensorflow-gcs-config            2.15.0
tensorflow-hub                   0.16.1
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem     0.37.0
tensorflow-metadata              1.15.0
tensorflow-probability           0.23.0
tensorstore                      0.1.45
termcolor                        2.4.0
terminado                        0.18.1
text-unidecode                   1.3
textblob                         0.17.1
tf_keras                         2.15.1
tf-slim                          1.1.0
thinc                            8.2.5
threadpoolctl                    3.5.0
tifffile                         2024.6.18
tinycss2                         1.3.0
tokenizers                       0.19.1
toml                             0.10.2
tomli                            2.0.1
toolz                            0.12.1
torch                            2.3.0+cu121
torchaudio                       2.3.0+cu121
torchsummary                     1.5.1
torchtext                        0.18.0
torchvision                      0.18.0+cu121
tornado                          6.3.3
tqdm                             4.66.4
traitlets                        5.7.1
traittypes                       0.2.1
transformers                     4.41.2
triton                           2.3.0
tweepy                           4.14.0
typer                            0.12.3
types-pytz                       2024.1.0.20240417
typing_extensions                4.12.2
tzdata                           2024.1
tzlocal                          5.2
uc-micro-py                      1.0.3
uritemplate                      4.1.1
urllib3                          2.0.7
vega-datasets                    0.9.0
wadllib                          1.3.6
wasabi                           1.1.3
wcwidth                          0.2.13
weasel                           0.4.1
webcolors                        24.6.0
webencodings                     0.5.1
websocket-client                 1.8.0
Werkzeug                         3.0.3
wheel                            0.43.0
widgetsnbextension               3.6.6
wordcloud                        1.9.3
wrapt                            1.14.1
xarray                           2023.7.0
xarray-einstats                  0.7.0
xgboost                          2.0.3
xlrd                             2.0.1
xyzservices                      2024.6.0
yarl                             1.9.4
yellowbrick                      1.5
yfinance                         0.2.40
zict                             3.0.0
zipp                             3.19.2
thanubharadwaj commented 2 months ago

I have encountered the same issue with Pykan's .plot() method in Colab notebooks since July 11th, 2024. Has there been any update or workaround to resolve this error? I am also facing the below error while training: Intel MKL ERROR: Parameter 6 was incorrect on entry to SGELSY.

xi-yangchun commented 1 month ago

I tried to fix this error, finally failed. When I encountered this error, pykan package didn't have assets/img/sum_symbol.png, so made directories then put sum_symbol.png there. After adding sum_symbol.png and running plot method, partial png images of kan activation functions and some strange yum files were generated, not a whole kan graph. All files in assets may have to be added.

xi-yangchun commented 1 month ago

Now I fixed this error by following steps:

  1. add assets/img/ in your kan package
  2. Download sum_symbol.png and mult_symbol.png from repo's assets/img then put them to your assets/img
  3. in your source code, import matplotlib.pyplot like this: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
  4. append after model.plot()

But not sure this can work correctly in your Colab source code because I run the tutorial in my local environment. This error might be caused by lack of png images. The plot method might be implemented using matplotlib.pyplot, so can visualize your KAN graph.

thanubharadwaj commented 1 month ago

Hi @xi-yangchun , Thank you. This worked in my local environment