Kinect / PyKinect2

Wrapper to expose Kinect for Windows v2 API in Python
MIT License
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Opencv and Masking #68

Open avpai opened 5 years ago

avpai commented 5 years ago

Hi Guys,

So, I saw a lot of posts and examples about using OpenCV and PyKinect2 library. I have some questions and I hope someone will help me solve them. test

So I got a binary mask and I want to binary_and it with the tracking frame. Any ideas on how to do it? I saw the examples bu the frame that I got from it was the regular color frame not the tracking drawn one.

@yxp1003 - Any suggestions?

yxp1003 commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean. Do you mean that you only want bone tracking images and not color frames? Maybe u can convert the frame toString and then processing.

avpai commented 5 years ago

The RGB image is from the Pykinect2 example. I was hoping to use OpenCV on it, like you did. By saving it as a .png file and using opencv to read it. But it is not smooth. Did you mange to find a work around for this problem?

yxp1003 commented 5 years ago


I have tried save .png and loaded it, but it is not a good a idea, becuz the frame looked not fluency. def pygame_to_cvimage(self, surface_to_draw): image_string=pygame.image.tostring(surface_to_draw, 'RGB') image_np = np.fromstring(image_string, np.uint8).reshape(405, 720, 3) img = cv2.cvtColor(image_np, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) return img this fucntion can vonvert the frame to a String type, and OpenCV can use it