A website that allows users to search the cheapest games from any registered store on the platform, write reviews, create a cross-store wishlist, import cross platform user stats, and more! Utilizes APIs and a MySQL DB to maintain platform data, and is modularized as to be easy to read and expandable.
As a user I want the ability to add an account photo via my account settings page, and by default use an default photo. I can change or remove this photo at any time.
1) ask for upload on sign up
2) if none at all, then gives a generic photo
3) allows for user to use email photo as photo (pulls from session photo)
As a user I want the ability to add an account photo via my account settings page, and by default use an default photo. I can change or remove this photo at any time.
SHOULD: 1) ask for upload on sign up 2) if none at all, then gives a generic photo 3) allows for user to use email photo as photo (pulls from session photo)