gen_lang is a dart library for internationalization. Extracts messages to generate dart files required by Intl, inspired by Intl_translation and Flutter i18n
Declaring a string that contains ' (for example l'aggiornamento) the resulting generation will contains double quotes.
Futhermore if you insert a \n the resulting string will be broken because in the generated file the \n breaks the line (it's not kept inside the text) and the string it's splitted into 2 strings and this results in a broken file that cannot be compiled
Possible solution: use double quote when initialize the string object in the generated file
Declaring a string that contains ' (for example l'aggiornamento) the resulting generation will contains double quotes.
Futhermore if you insert a \n the resulting string will be broken because in the generated file the \n breaks the line (it's not kept inside the text) and the string it's splitted into 2 strings and this results in a broken file that cannot be compiled
Possible solution: use double quote when initialize the string object in the generated file