KingdomFirst / Excavator

We have now released Bulldozer on GitHub. Bulldozer is the super-powerful big brother to Excavator. Because Bulldozer is now published on GitHub we will no longer be supporting Excavator. Thank you for all the support here!
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Individuals Import Fail after 1,918 records #171

Closed knolly42 closed 6 years ago

knolly42 commented 7 years ago

Family import was perfect, but Individuals bombs with this:

15/05/2017 17:47:06,Transform Data,"System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException: Validation failed for one or more entities. See 'EntityValidationErrors' property for more details. at System.Data.Entity.Internal.InternalContext.SaveChanges() at Rock.Data.DbContext.SaveChanges(Boolean disablePrePostProcessing)"

Any idea what it could mean please?

Also for some reason, the import is missing random data on a couple of person attributes? they show on a few people then drop out..

Hope you can shed some light on this please?


dcs619 commented 7 years ago

@knolly42 I just released an update that should provide more detail for Entity Validation Errors. Can you try it again and post the results?

dcs619 commented 6 years ago

Released a fix for custom attributes. Also added additional date handling in case Excel screws up the formatting.