emplace is indeed a c++11 function. But I thought gcc 4.7 already support c++11. You can try compiling it with gcc 4.8. Please also make sure to use seqan version 1.4.1. (http://packages.seqan.de/)
Indeed, emplace wasn't added to libstdc++ until gcc 4.8 see e.g. here. G++ 4.7 is only mostly C++11 compatible. I actually am not sure exactly when gcc reached full C++11 compliance, but I don't believe it was until 4.9.x or 5.0.
After I make with: make riboprof INC="-I/nethome/angelmg/include"
I get the error "bam_parser.cpp:368:9: error: ‘using rd_rec_map_t = class std::mapstd::basic_string<char, fp_record>’ has no member named ‘emplace’"
Is gcc 4.8 minimal requirement?