KinoOfficial / front-end_Interview

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例题 #4

Open KinoOfficial opened 6 days ago

KinoOfficial commented 6 days ago

问题 1:HTML5 新特性有哪些 What are the new features of HTML5?

语义化标签 Semantic tags


canvas / webGL

拖拽释放(Drag and drop) API

history API




web存储 localStorage、SessionStorage


KinoOfficial commented 6 days ago

HTTP 状态码 HTTP Status Codes










1xx: indicates information class, indicating that the request has been accepted and continues to be processed (temporary response)

2xx: indicates success class, indicating that the request has been successfully accepted

3xx: indicates redirection, indicating that further operations must be performed to complete the request

4xx: indicates client error, the request has a syntax error or the request cannot be implemented

5xx: indicates server error, the server fails to implement a legal request

Common status codes

[403] means [the server refuses to execute the client's request]

[404] means [the server cannot find the resource (web page) requested by the client]

[304] means [the requested resource has not been modified (hit the negotiation cache)

KinoOfficial commented 6 days ago

HTML5 语义化的优点 Advantages of HTML5 semantics



利于开发和维护 方便其他设备解析(如屏幕阅读器)根据语义渲染网页。


Without CSS styles, the overall page will also present a good structural effect

The code structure is clear and easy to read,

It is conducive to development and maintenance. It is convenient for other devices to parse (such as screen readers) and render web pages according to semantics.

It is conducive to search engine optimization (SEO). Search engine crawlers will assign different weights according to different tags

KinoOfficial commented 6 days ago

介绍下 304 过程 Introducing the 304 process




After the cache expires, a request is made to the server to verify whether the cache is valid. If it is valid, a 304 status code is returned. 304 often appears in requests for static resources. For static resources:

When the browser makes the first request (there is no If-Modified-Since in the request header), the server will tell the browser in the response when the resource was last modified (Last-Modified in the response header). When you request this resource again, the browser will ask the server whether the resource has been modified (If-Modified-Since in the request header).

If the resource has not been modified, the server returns a 304 status code, and the browser uses the local cache file.

KinoOfficial commented 5 days ago

.Doctype 作用? DOCTYPE 是用来声明文档类型和 DTD 规范的。 <!DOCTYPE html>声明位于 HTML 文档中的第一行,不是一个 HTML 标签,处于 html 标签之前。告知浏览器的解析器用什么文档标准解析这个文档。DOCTYPE 不存在或格式不正确会导致文档以兼容模式呈现。

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