Kinotic-Foundation / structures

Structures is an open-source framework for data storage and retrieval, supporting schema evolution, data management, and providing a user-friendly GUI and OpenAPI interface.
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newest version seems to break publishing new struct #26

Closed indera closed 3 months ago

indera commented 3 months ago

Actual behavior

structures sync sentinel-one -p -v -s http://localhost:9090

Does not publish the new struct


Elastic Search and UI should show the new struct

curl -s http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices\?v\=true
health status index                          uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size dataset.size
yellow open   namespace                      FEbf0tBRSxSuja0KR0xWfg   2   2          1            0        9kb            9kb          9kb
yellow open   structure                      rwf5LWyUQHCzJZqtAFQ-5w   2   2          0            0       498b           498b         498b
yellow open   named_query_service_definition TgFslf5MR2ClKfpDPvb8Kg   2   2          0            0       498b           498b         498b
NavidMitchell commented 3 months ago

Sorry about that. Thank you for reporting the bug. This is fixed in 2.1.1