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Conversion error trying to replicate Kinova youtube example #121

Closed RobaczeQ closed 2 years ago

RobaczeQ commented 2 years ago


Code from Kinova youtube tutorial ( doesn't compile on Linux, but it compiles on Windows using Visual Studio Compiler. There were the same questions on the video from 10 months ago, but no replay.


KortexAPI : 2.3

Kortex Device : Kinova gen3 7 DoF

Steps to reproduce

Get example from video ( That line creates an error: std::function<void(Kinova::Api::Base::ActionNotification)> actionCallback = std::bind(&KortexRobot::OnActionNotificationCallback, this, std::placeholders::_1);

Error: conversion from ‘std::_Bind_helper<false, void (KortexRobot::)(Kinova::Api::Base::ActionNotification&), KortexRobot, const std::_Placeholder<1>&>::type’ {aka ‘std::_Bind<void (KortexRobot::(KortexRobot, std::_Placeholder<1>))(Kinova::Api::Base::ActionNotification&)>’} to non-scalar type ‘std::function<void(Kinova::Api::Base::ActionNotification)>’ requested

Expected behavior

I would like to have the same code for Linux and Windows, is it possible to change it so it works without Visual Studio Compiler, which isn't available on Linux?

felixmaisonneuve commented 2 years ago

Hi @RobaczeQ,

What GitHub example is this from? Youtube examples are ususally taken from our github repo. Looking at your error message it looks like you have a function like this :

void OnActionNotificationCallback(Kinova::Api::Base::ActionNotification& actionNotification)

and it cannot convert the Kinova::Api::Base::ActionNotification& to Kinova::Api::Base::ActionNotification. Maybe try to change your OnActionNotificationCallback definition to something like this :

void OnActionNotificationCallback(Kinova::Api::Base::ActionNotification actionNotification)

Best, Felix

RobaczeQ commented 2 years ago

I was also wondering why YouTube examples aren't uploaded to Github. Some of the videos are just GIthub examples, but some don't. But you're right, now it's working on Linux, strange that did compile on Windows.

Thank you for your help and time, Matt