Kinovarobotics / Kinova-kortex2_Gen3_G3L

Code examples and API documentation for KINOVA® KORTEX™ robotic arms
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ACTION_ABORT when running example_cartesian_action_movement in #195

Closed sammorstein closed 3 months ago

sammorstein commented 3 months ago


I tried to run the example file When I run it, the arm will move to the home position and then move on to the angular movement. It looks like when the code tries to run the example cartesian movement, an ACTION_ABORT event is triggered and I don't know what could cause it.


KortexAPI : 2.6.0

Kortex Device : Kinova Gen 3 7 DOF Arm

Steps to reproduce

  1. Downloaded Kortex_API
  2. Ran

Code example

#! /usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) 2018 Kinova inc. All rights reserved.
# This software may be modified and distributed
# under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause license.
# Refer to the LICENSE file for details.

import sys
import os
import time
import threading

from kortex_api.autogen.client_stubs.BaseClientRpc import BaseClient
from kortex_api.autogen.client_stubs.BaseCyclicClientRpc import BaseCyclicClient

from kortex_api.autogen.messages import Base_pb2, BaseCyclic_pb2, Common_pb2

# Maximum allowed waiting time during actions (in seconds)

# Create closure to set an event after an END or an ABORT
def check_for_end_or_abort(e):
    """Return a closure checking for END or ABORT notifications

    e -- event to signal when the action is completed
        (will be set when an END or ABORT occurs)
    def check(notification, e = e):
        print("EVENT : " + \
        if notification.action_event == Base_pb2.ACTION_END \
        or notification.action_event == Base_pb2.ACTION_ABORT:
    return check

def example_move_to_home_position(base):
    # Make sure the arm is in Single Level Servoing mode
    base_servo_mode = Base_pb2.ServoingModeInformation()
    base_servo_mode.servoing_mode = Base_pb2.SINGLE_LEVEL_SERVOING

    # Move arm to ready position
    print("Moving the arm to a safe position")
    action_type = Base_pb2.RequestedActionType()
    action_type.action_type = Base_pb2.REACH_JOINT_ANGLES
    action_list = base.ReadAllActions(action_type)
    action_handle = None
    for action in action_list.action_list:
        if == "Home":
            action_handle = action.handle

    if action_handle == None:
        print("Can't reach safe position. Exiting")
        return False

    e = threading.Event()
    notification_handle = base.OnNotificationActionTopic(

    finished = e.wait(TIMEOUT_DURATION)

    if finished:
        print("Safe position reached")
        print("Timeout on action notification wait")
    return finished

def example_angular_action_movement(base):

    print("Starting angular action movement ...")
    action = Base_pb2.Action() = "Example angular action movement"
    action.application_data = ""

    actuator_count = base.GetActuatorCount()

    # Place arm straight up
    for joint_id in range(actuator_count.count):
        joint_angle = action.reach_joint_angles.joint_angles.joint_angles.add()
        joint_angle.joint_identifier = joint_id
        joint_angle.value = 0

    e = threading.Event()
    notification_handle = base.OnNotificationActionTopic(

    print("Executing action")

    print("Waiting for movement to finish ...")
    finished = e.wait(TIMEOUT_DURATION)

    if finished:
        print("Angular movement completed")
        print("Timeout on action notification wait")
    return finished

def example_cartesian_action_movement(base, base_cyclic):

    print("Starting Cartesian action movement ...")
    action = Base_pb2.Action() = "Example Cartesian action movement"
    action.application_data = ""

    feedback = base_cyclic.RefreshFeedback()

    cartesian_pose = action.reach_pose.target_pose
    cartesian_pose.x = feedback.base.tool_pose_x        # (meters)
    cartesian_pose.y = feedback.base.tool_pose_y - 0.1    # (meters)
    cartesian_pose.z = feedback.base.tool_pose_z - 0.2    # (meters)
    cartesian_pose.theta_x = feedback.base.tool_pose_theta_x # (degrees)
    cartesian_pose.theta_y = feedback.base.tool_pose_theta_y # (degrees)
    cartesian_pose.theta_z = feedback.base.tool_pose_theta_z # (degrees)

    e = threading.Event()
    notification_handle = base.OnNotificationActionTopic(

    print("Executing action")

    print("Waiting for movement to finish ...")
    finished = e.wait(TIMEOUT_DURATION)

    if finished:
        print("Cartesian movement completed")
        print("Timeout on action notification wait")
    return finished

def main():

    # Import the utilities helper module
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
    import utilities

    # Parse arguments
    args = utilities.parseConnectionArguments()

    # Create connection to the device and get the router
    with utilities.DeviceConnection.createTcpConnection(args) as router:

        # Create required services
        base = BaseClient(router)
        base_cyclic = BaseCyclicClient(router)

        # Example core
        success = True

        success &= example_move_to_home_position(base)
        # time.sleep(10)
        success &= example_cartesian_action_movement(base, base_cyclic)
        success &= example_angular_action_movement(base)

        # You can also refer to the 110-Waypoints examples if you want to execute
        # a trajectory defined by a series of waypoints in joint space or in Cartesian space

        return 0 if success else 1

if __name__ == "__main__":

Expected behavior

This is the terminal output: Logging as admin on device Moving the arm to a safe position EVENT : ACTION_START EVENT : ACTION_END Safe position reached Starting Cartesian action movement ... Executing action Waiting for movement to finish ... EVENT : ACTION_START EVENT : ACTION_ABORT EVENT : ACTION_FEEDBACK Cartesian movement completed Starting angular action movement ... Executing action Waiting for movement to finish ... EVENT : ACTION_START EVENT : ACTION_END Angular movement completed

Any other information

martinleroux commented 3 months ago

Hi @sammorstein ,

It seems your robot may be returning the ACTION_END flag after the home position too quickly (either that or the message is sent on time but the change in the internal robot state is delayed). Based on your code, I cannot suggest a reason why that would be the case for now, but we could validate this hypothesis by restoring the sleep in your main. If you do, does the problem still occur? Are you running anything in parallel on the robot (e.g. the web app or a separate thread)?

sammorstein commented 3 months ago

The sleep in main doesn't help. When I include it, the arm will stay in the home position for the sleep time before moving into the angular movement immediately. I've tried running it with and without the web app open. I see this message in the web app when the code is run. Any ideas why that could be? image

sammorstein commented 3 months ago

Ok I figured out the issue we had a protection zone that overlapped with the home position active. Once I turned it off the code would run correctly