Kinovarobotics / matlab_kortex

MATLAB Adaptor packages for KINOVA® KORTEX™ robotic arms
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Issues with Setting Servoing Mode and Controlling Gripper #6

Open j1h opened 4 years ago

j1h commented 4 years ago

Hello there,

I was trying to set the servoing mode on our GEN3 to low-level, but wasn't able to do so. The code I used was: "[result] = kortexApiMexInterface('SetServoingMode', tempHandle, int32(3));" But there was an error message: "kortexApiMexInterface : Command not defined"

In addition, we have a robotiq 2F-85 gripper on the robot, using the MexInterface we can only control it with the position mode. Both velocity and force modes have no response. Is there a way to access force measurements on the gripper? Without force information, how are we supposed to prevent the gripper from destroying the object or itself?

The robot firmware version is 2.2.0 and I'm using matlab_simplified_api_2.2.0.


polthergeist commented 4 years ago

Hi @j1h , About the gripper, you should be able to control it using velocity control but unfortunately the force control is not implemented yet.

The torque feedback is not yet available but meanwhile you can rely on the current feedback(current_motor). You can access it via the cyclic data.


About the SetServoingMode issue, I will try to reproduce it on my side and I'll get back to you.

Don't hesitate if you need anything else,

j1h commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much for the advice, I can access the current information now. In MATLAB I had to write: interconnectFeedback.gripper_feedback.motor(1).current_motor instead.

It seems the MATLAB api doesn't support low-level control since "MATLAB is slow". However, I know research groups in German used to control robot arms from MATLAB at 4kHz. GEN3's 1kHz shouldn't be a problem right?

Thanks again

jaredlawson commented 3 years ago

Hi @j1h & @polthergeist

Were you able to resolve this issue with SetServoingMode? Having the same problem now.
